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How to store family tree data in a mysql database



I have a family tree. I would like to store it in a mysql database. I have a table with a column called "family members," but i don't know how to arrange these family members. For example, I am under my dad and my son is under me. So i guess, how can i store this type of tree in a database?

like image 887
kirby Avatar asked Feb 03 '12 05:02


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1 Answers

So, you said you have a table with a column called "family members". For me, that's just inappropriate because it doesn't respect normalization :) First of all I would call it "familyTreeId". Now, let's move to the FamilyTree table.

This table would be something like this:

FamilyTree(id, motherId, fatherId, etc) --> etc: if you have additional data

  • id will be the primary key of the table
  • motherId will link to the row in the FamilyTree table that belongs to the mother
  • fatherId will link to the row in the FamilyTree table that belongs to the father

So the rows will be:

|   id   |   motherId   |   fatherId   |
| son1   | yourwife     | you          |
| son2   | yourwife     | you          |
| you    | mother       | father       |
| mother | grandmother1 | grandfather1 |
| father | grandmother2 | grandfather2 |

Other option would be to store the couples

FamilyTreeParents(id, motherId, fatherId)

FamilyTreeNodes(id, familyTreeParentsId)

  • id will be the primary keys of the tables
  • familyTreeParentsId will be a foreign key to a FamilyTreeParents table
  • motherId will be a foreign key to a row in the FamilyTreeNodes table that belongs to the mother
  • fatherId will be a foreign key to a row in the FamilyTreeNodes table that belongs to the father

So the rows will be:


| id |   motherId   |   fatherId   |
|  1 | yourwife     | you          |
|  2 | mother       | father       |
|  3 | grandmother1 | grandfather1 |
|  4 | grandmother2 | grandfather2 |


|   id   | familyTreeParentsId |
| son1   |                   1 |
| son2   |                   1 |
| you    |                   2 |
| mother |                   3 |
| father |                   4 |

Data is more normalized this way because you are not repeating information (like you and yourwife for son1 and son2 as I did in the other solution. However, this solution might be less efficient in terms of speed because there will be needed more joins.

like image 189
Mosty Mostacho Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 15:09

Mosty Mostacho