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How to store array of objects in Cassandra

In cassandra DB I am planning to store an array-of-object. What is the best way to do that. object mapping to Data mapping with model class in java.

Class Test{
   @Column(name = "id")
   int id,
   @Column(name = "name")
   String name,
   Address[] address

 class Address{
   String add1,
   String city,
   String state 

Should I put all(id, name, add1, city, state) in one table by adding columns to same keyspace with add1, city, state also? or add new table for address Or any other options..

I have tried to add TYPE But throwing error as: "Error from server: code=2200 [Invalid query] message="A user type cannot contain non-frozen UDTs" From the error and type syntax I have used keyword 'frozen', but not luck. Altering table also gives similar Error something like : "mismatched input 'frozen' expecting EOF"

Also, What if I have to save column of type 'String[ ]' As it is not custom type like Address[]. it is of String or text.? Do we need to just add alter statement? if so how it looks like

like image 700
Nomad Avatar asked Mar 16 '18 18:03


People also ask

How do you store objects in Cassandra?

For your case, first, you need to create a UDT(user defined type) in Cassandra. Create TYPE address( add1 text, city text, state text ); Then create a table including this UDT. Create table Test( id int, name text, address list<frozen<address>>, primary key(id) );

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1 Answers

For your case, first, you need to create a UDT(user defined type) in Cassandra.

Create TYPE address(
   add1 text,
   city text,
   state text

Then create a table including this UDT.

Create table Test(
   id int,
   name text,
   address list<frozen<address>>,
   primary key(id)

If you want to know more about UTD and the usages, visit following links:

  • Using a user-defined type
  • Collection type (List, Set, Map)


Also, What if I have to save column of type 'String[ ]' As it is not custom type like Address[]. it is of String or text.? Do we need to just add alter statement? if so how it looks like

Answer: Alter table test add stringarr list<text> Check this links to get more idea about cassandra data types: CQL data types

like image 90
MD Ruhul Amin Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 21:09

MD Ruhul Amin