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how to stop xcode5.1 building for 64bit

I just updated to xcode 5.1 - apple decided to make all apps compile to 64bit by default - My app has some legacy code and I spent the last couple of hours figuring out how to STOP Xcode building for 64bit. Thought this might help people with the same problem...

See the accepted answer for a clearer visual walk thought

(my original text based answer...)

In Targets-->Build Settings-->Architectures-->Architectures

  1. select other
  2. delete (press '-') $(ARCH_STANDARD)
  3. add (press '+') armv7
  4. add (press '+') armv7s
  5. clean and build
like image 622
Joe Booth Avatar asked Mar 11 '14 04:03

Joe Booth

2 Answers

OP is posted the solution along with the question itself. But I feel it would be better to add it as an answer. In Xcode 5.1 apple made significant changes to the architecture section. They made arm64 as part of Standard architectures. That means the projects using the default setting will be automatically build for arm64 also. So what you will do if your app does not support arm64?.

Doc says:

Projects not able to support 64-bit need to specifically set the architectures build setting to not include 64-bit.

How to do that?

  1. Goto Targets-->Build Settings-->Architectures-->Architectures

  2. Double click on the architecture will popup a menu. Choose others

    enter image description here

  3. Delete the existing row - $(ARCH_STANDARD). Add the required architectures one by one

    enter image description here

  4. Now your architecture section will look like this

    enter image description here

like image 180
Anil Varghese Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 10:11

Anil Varghese

Or just use $(ARCHS_STANDARD_32_BIT)

like image 12
Cameron Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 10:11
