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how to stop visual studio 2013 from adding mapping source link to css files

I'm using visual studio 2013.

I'm using the web essential tool for my less/css files.

when I'm saving a less file it's add a line like the one below to the end css file,for example:

/*# sourceMappingURL=filename.css.map */

how can I stop the vs2013 from adding this?

I went to the web essential options and disable the option called: "create source map files" and I change it to false,it's not creating map files but still add the line above to the css file.

like image 672
user3265943 Avatar asked Jun 09 '14 07:06


1 Answers

I am also using VS2013. And preprocessor SASS. When I edit a file .scss that is updated .css file and the file appears .css.map that is added to the project.

It turned out that it tricks WEB-essential plugin. Along this path

Tools > Options > Web Essentials > SASS > Create source map files = false

I was able to disable the automatic creation of files .css.map and

Also in the settings there is a way for LESS: Tools > Options > Web Essentials > LESS

like image 190
ellexdev Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 03:09
