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How to stop std thread safely?

I'm developing a chat server and I have a question.

How to stop std::thread safely?

it is very easy problem, like this.

thread t(&func);

but, if func is has infinite loop, join is not working.

this is my source.

void CServerSocket::AcceptRun(boost::asio::io_service &iosrv)
    while (true)
        auto sock = std::make_shared<boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket>(iosrv);

        m_SocketList.push_back(std::make_shared<CConnectionSocket>(this, sock));


    CLogManager::WriteLog("Stopping Server...");

    // m_AcceptThread.detach(); This is right?

    CLogManager::WriteLog("Server Stoped!");

I'm very wondering. Please help me. thank you.

like image 402
BombPenguin Avatar asked Dec 19 '13 12:12


3 Answers

You can pass a suitable context to your thread(s) which can contain a flag indicating whether it is time to stop. The flag could be a std::atomic<bool>. Obviously, you' d also need to set up communication to not wait indefinitely for data so you have the chance to check the flag once in a while.

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Dietmar Kühl Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 08:10

Dietmar Kühl

I'm fairly sure that accept will exit cleanly, throwing an exception, when you close the acceptor. You should catch the exception so that the thread exits normally:

void CServerSocket::AcceptRun(boost::asio::io_service &iosrv)
try {
    // your loop here, unchanged
} catch (std::exception const & ex) {
    // perhaps log the message, ex.what()

and then join the thread after closing the acceptor, but before destroying it:

    CLogManager::WriteLog("Stopping Server...");
    CLogManager::WriteLog("Server Stopped!");

    // No need to do anything else with m_Acceptor, assuming it's a smart pointer

Personally, I'd use asynchronous operations unless there were a compelling reason to use multiple threads. A single thread is much easier to deal with.

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Mike Seymour Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 09:10

Mike Seymour

How to stop std::thread safely?

Stopping the thread safely means that you tell the thread function to stop processing (through a mechanism that is outside std::thread), then wait for the thread to stop.

The response from @DietmarKuhl tells you how to do this. Regarding the acccept being blocking, you must set an option on the socket/acceptor to expire on a timeout. When the accept call returns, you either break the loop (if your loop condition is false) or you call accept again, with a new timeout.

Your timeout value will be a compromise: a small timeout will be more computationally intensive (keep the CPU busy) while giving you a very responsive thread function (one that doesn't block much when you stop the thread).

like image 3
utnapistim Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 08:10
