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How to stop sentry server



I know how to sentry start.

But when I change the sentry.conf.py, how can I make it work?

I run sentry help and can not find sentry stop or restart commond. Is there a way to restart the sentry server?

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dongwq Avatar asked Jan 31 '13 02:01


People also ask

How do I stop sentry?

If you want to suspend Sentry for any reason, just choose Stop Watching from the menu; and if you want to quit Sentry altogether (which you can't do during a scan) then select Quit ClamXAV Sentry from the menu.

Can Sentry be self hosted?

In addition to existing hidden costs, as Sentry evolves, our self-hosted version will become more complex, demanding additional types of infrastructure. Our internal system that powers our newest features will also advance and require more containers, including one for a new database.

1 Answers

I just ran into this problem myself. I was using supervisor to start my sentry server, and for some reason it was not killing sentry when I stopped supervisor. To fix this, I ran sudo netstat -tulpn | grep 9000 to find the process id that was still running. For me, it was gunicorn. Kill that process then start the server again and your new settings should take effect.

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John Avatar answered Dec 27 '22 11:12
