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How to stop or limit indexing in IntelliJ 13?


My IntelliJ 13.1.5 constantly indexes my project which really slows my machine down. It does it when I rebuild my project as well as when I start my jetty server. Does anybody know how to disable or at least limit that behavior? The previous version didn't do that so often.

like image 536
goe Avatar asked Oct 10 '14 20:10


People also ask

How do I stop indexing in IntelliJ?

You can stop synchronizing/indexing each time you switch to the IDEA and it's quite useful when dealing with big projects and outside build process which triggers indexing. Just disable checkbox System Settings -> Synchronize files on frame or editor tab activation .

How do I turn off indexing in PyCharm?

In order to stop PyCharm from indexing the 'lib' directory, right-click on this directory and select Mark Directory as, then Excluded. This directory will now no longer be indexed by PyCharm.

1 Answers

Actually, I found what was wrong. Once of my modules didn't have the target folder excluded and that was causing IntelliJ to always index and since that module is big it would take forever to index it.

Solution: Go to "Project Structure" -> "Modules" and excluded all target folders.

like image 137
goe Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 14:09
