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How to stop memory leak in useEffect hook react

I am using Effect hook to fetch the datas from server and these data are passed to the react table there i have used the same api call to load the next set of datas from server. When the application gets loaded i am getting an warning like below

Warning: Can't perform a React state update on an unmounted component. This is a no-op, but it indicates a memory leak in your application. To fix, cancel all subscriptions and asynchronous tasks in a useEffect cleanup function.

Effect Hook:

useEffect(() => {
  .then(() => {
  .catch((error: string) => {
}, []);

React Table Page:

  className="-striped -highlight"

Set Filter function:

const setFilter = (pagination: any) => {
  props.dispatch(updateCourseCurrentPage(pagination.page + 1));
  props.dispatch(fetchCourses()).then(() => {

Does anyone know how to clean up the hook in react

like image 895
Nidhin Kumar Avatar asked Sep 21 '19 06:09

Nidhin Kumar

2 Answers

Update (June 2022):

React 18 has removed this warning message, and the workarounds to get rid of it may no longer be necessary. Part of the reason they removed it is that it has always been a bit misleading. It says you have a memory leak, but often times you don't.

The code in the question -- and indeed most code that causes this warning -- runs for a finite amount of time past the unmounting of the component, then sets state, then is done running. Since it's done running, javascript can free up variables in its closure, and thus there is usually no leak.

The case where you will have a memory leak is if you are setting up a persistent subscription which continues indefinitely. For example, maybe you set up a websocket and listen to messages, but you never tear down that websocket. These cases do need to be fixed (by supplying a cleanup function to the useEffect) but they are uncommon.

The other reason react 18 has removed the warning is that they are working on the ability for components to preserve their state after being unmounted. Once that feature is in react, setting state after unmount will be a perfectly valid thing to do.

Original answer (September 2019):

With useEffect you can return a function that will be run on cleanup. So in your case, you'll want something like this:

useEffect(() => {
  let unmounted = false;


    .then(() => {
      if (!unmounted) {
    .catch((error: string) => {
      if (!unmounted) {

  return () => { unmounted = true };
}, []);

EDIT: if you need to have a call that's kicked off outside of useEffect, then it will still need to check an unmounted variable to tell whether it should skip the call to setState. That unmounted variable will be set by a useEffect, but now you need to go through some hurdles to make the variable accessible outside of the effect.

const Example = (props) => {
  const unmounted = useRef(false);
  useEffect(() => {
    return () => { unmounted.current = true }
  }, []);

  const setFilter = () => {
    // ...
    props.dispatch(fetchCourses()).then(() => {
      if (!unmounted.current) {

  // ...
  return (
    <ReactTable onFetchData={setFilter} /* other props omitted */ />
like image 113
Nicholas Tower Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 08:10

Nicholas Tower

you can create a custom hook for that like that :

import * as React from 'react';

export default function useStateWhenMounted<T>(initialValue: T) {
  const [state, setState] = React.useState(initialValue);
  const isMounted = React.useRef(true);
  React.useEffect(() => {
    return () => {
      isMounted.current = false;
  }, []);

  const setNewState = React.useCallback((value) => {
    if (isMounted.current) {
  }, []);

  return [state, setNewState];
like image 2
Ilan Roitlender Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 09:10

Ilan Roitlender