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How to stop json Data to automatically sorting in Google Chrome?

Jquery + Rails 4

 var jsonData = {
  "81404": "Object",
  "81408": "Object",
  "81416": "Object",
  "80387": "Object",
  "73952": "Object",
  "74697": "Object",
  "81411": "Object",
  "74700": "Object"

Mozilla Output (Right, and expected)

Object { 81404="Object", 81408="Object", 81416="Object", 80387="Object", 73952="Object", 74697="Object", 81411="Object", 74700="Object"}

Chrome Output (Wrong, ???)

Object {73952: "Object", 74697: "Object", 74700: "Object", 80387: "Object", 81404: "Object", 81408: "Object", 81411: "Object", 81416: "Object"}

How to fix this automatically sorting issue in Chrome any suggestion help,,,

I am using this data for filtering that's order is important.

like image 269
user3676578 Avatar asked Jun 16 '14 10:06


1 Answers

Your data is not an array. It has no intrinsic order. They are just properties on an object.

From this Reference

4.3.3 Object
An object is a member of the type Object. It is an unordered collection of properties each of which contains a primitive value, object, or function.

Put them in an array property on the JSON object if order is important (or just use an array!).

e.g. something like:

var jsonData = {data: [
    {"81404": "Object"},
    {"81408": "Object"},
    {"81416": "Object"},
    {"80387": "Object"},
    {"73952": "Object"},
    {"74697": "Object"},
    {"81411": "Object"},
    {"74700": "Object"}]

or for just the list


It would be helpful to explain what you are doing with the data, so that any example is more applicable.

like image 164
Gone Coding Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 20:10

Gone Coding