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How to stop doubles converting to scientific notation when using a stringstream

I'm making a function to return the number of decimal and whole number digits and am converting the inserted typename number to a string using sstreams.

However the number when being converted to a string comes out in scientific notations which is not useful for counting the number of digits are in the normal number. How can I stop this from happening in my function below?

enum { DECIMALS = 10, WHOLE_NUMBS = 20, ALL = 30 };

template < typename T > int Numbs_Digits(T numb, int scope)
    stringstream ss(stringstream::in | stringstream::out);
    stringstream ss2(stringstream::in | stringstream::out);
    unsigned long int length = 0;
    unsigned long int numb_wholes;

    ss2 << (int) numb;
    numb_wholes = ss2.str().length();
    bool all = false;

    switch (scope) {
    case ALL:
        all = true;

    case DECIMALS:
        ss << numb;
        length += ss.str().length() - (numb_wholes + 1);  // +1 for the "."
        if (all != true)

    case WHOLE_NUMBS:
        length += numb_wholes;
        if (all != true)

    return length;
like image 269
Griffin Avatar asked May 15 '11 19:05


People also ask

How do I get rid of scientific notation in C++?

You need to write: std::cout << fixed; std::cout << setprecision(2) << f; fixed disables the scientific notation i.e. 1.23e+006 and fixed is a sticky manipulator so you need to disable it if you want to revert back to scientific notation.

How do you cancel scientific notation?

(1) Right-click a cell where you want to remove scientific notation, and (2) choose Format Cells… 2. In the Format Cells window, (1) select the Number category, (2) set the number of decimal places to 0, and (3) click OK. Now the scientific notation is removed.

How do you shorten scientific notation?

(For example, to decrease the exponent by 3, subtract 3 from the exponent and move the decimal point in the mantissa three times to the right). 2. When all numbers in scientific notation have powers with the same exponent, add or subtract the mantissa(s). Keep the power the same.

1 Answers

Use std::fixed stream manipulator as:

ss << fixed << numb;



#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main () {
  double a,b,c;
  a = 3.1415926534;
  b = 2006.0;
  c = 1.0e-10;
  cout       <<         a << '\t' << b << '\t' << c << endl;
  cout <<   fixed    << a << '\t' << b << '\t' << c << endl;
  cout << scientific << a << '\t' << b << '\t' << c << endl;
  return 0;


3.1416          2006            1e-010
3.14159         2006.00000      0.00000
3.14159e+000    2.00600e+003    1.00000e-010

Example is taken from here.

And you can use std::stringstream instead of cout, but the result would be same. Experiment it here:


like image 85
Nawaz Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 02:10
