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How to start Tomcat 7 from Windows command line in the same window?

When I run %TOMCAT_ROOT%\bin\startup.bat from a Windows 7 command line, it opens a new window with default command line window settings (I have them personalized). I would prefer to run it in the same command window in the same prompt and not forked off in a separate window.

enter image description here

As you can see, the inner Tomcat window in the picture above is smaller and has a smaller font. I would like to run the server in the bigger, parent window where I executed startup.bash.

Essentially, I would like to run it on Windows the same way it would run as a console Linux application if I ran startup.sh.

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amphibient Avatar asked Aug 19 '16 17:08


People also ask

How do I start Tomcat automatically in Windows?

Starting Tomcat Automatically on a Windows Machine You can configure the server to start automatically either through the tomcat6w.exe tray program, or by editing the preferences for "Apache Tomcat" in the Services configuration pane, located in the Administrative Tools section of the Windows Control Panel.

What is the command to start Tomcat server?

Open Task Manager, and select More details if not already expanded. Select the Services tab. Locate IDM Apps Tomcat Service and right-click over it. Select Start, Stop, or Restart.

1 Answers

I was able to run it in the same window using

catalina.bat run

enter image description here

like image 134
amphibient Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 17:10
