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How to start MingW Console (GitBash) from Command Line on Windows?

I'm trying to automate my work environment set up using a batch file. I'm stuck at a point where I am not able to start the MingW64 Console from command line.

start "" "%ProgramFiles%\Git\bin\sh.exe" --login works fine but it seems to open a different shell window than that I am looking for. I'll explain this with pictures.

What it opens is a default cmd style window with bash integrated. This window isn't even resizeable
enter image description here

What I want is
enter image description here

I was trying to use the command start "" "%ProgramFiles%\Git\git-bash.exe" --login -i -c /bin/bash but it seems to quickly close the shell after opening it. If I execute the same file from explorer, the shell doesn't close automatically.

Here is my full batch file for reference

@echo on

REM start PHP and MYSQL
start "" mysql_server\UniServerZ\UniController.exe start_both

REM Open PhpMyAdmin
start "" http://localhost/us_opt1/

REM Open Folders
start "" %SystemRoot%\explorer.exe "E:\work\"

REM Open Git Bash Instance
:: in order to open the shell in that path
cd E:\work\
:: start "" "%ProgramFiles%\Git\bin\sh.exe" --login
start "" "%ProgramFiles%\Git\git-bash.exe" --login -i -c /bin/bash

REM start sublime text
start "" "E:\Sublime Text Build 3083 x64\sublime_text.exe"
like image 982
Atif Avatar asked Dec 13 '15 14:12


People also ask

How do I open Gitbash on Windows?

Git Bash comes included as part of the Git For Windows package. Download and install Git For Windows like other Windows applications. Once downloaded find the included .exe file and open to execute Git Bash.

How do I start Git from command line?

Run Command Prompt as Administrator and type choco install git and you'll be able to install git devoted to the command line.

How do I open mingw64 Windows?

For Windows 10, a quick access is to enter "Edit the system environment variables" in the Start Search of Windows and click the button "Environment Variables". Change the PATH variable (double-click on it or Select and Edit), and add the path where your MinGW-w64 has been installed to e.g., C:\mingw\mingw64\bin.

1 Answers

git-bash.exe -i -c "/bin/bash" seems to work better.
This issue illustrates various other ways to call git-bash.exe, but concludes:

Preferred way to run git-for-windows is using git-cmd.exe:

c:\git\git-cmd.exe --command=usr/bin/bash.exe -l -i

That however only opens a session in the current cmd, while git-bash.exe opens a new windows.

Combined with this question (to open a new console) and this one (to avoid two CMD windows), I would use:

start /b cmd /c git-bash.exe -i -l -c "/bin/bash"

The OP Atif Mohammed Ameenuddin reports in the comments this as working fine:

start "" "%ProgramFiles%\Git\git-bash.exe"
like image 54
VonC Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 11:09
