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How to start game programming without a graphic artist?

Having a hard time phrasing the question, my situation actually is on the release phase of the game development cycle.

I have this game that falls under the casual category with little to no-complex-logic involved at all, running on a 2D side scrolling (semi) single character. In short it really is simple, so I am already done with the code and just need to replace sprites with my own to avoid any copyright issues once I decide to release it on the market (truth is I used sprites from various forums of another side scrolling MMORPG).

So my actual problem is, being an independent developer, with no talent in graphic arts and little budget to outsource a graphic artist, How would I (a plain programmer) create a modern looking graphical game?


  1. The game is non-profit, I made it just to learn what the android platform has to offer. But seeing it can actually be fun for others to play with, I'd like to release it.
  2. I wanted to make this a community wiki as I see other game programming beginners would also face the same question. Although I am not that sure if that reason alone qualifies. But it seems with my reputation now, I'd leave that to the admin / mods decisions.
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lock Avatar asked Apr 11 '11 06:04


1 Answers

Keep the resources seperate and replace them before releasing with free versions or your own art.

There is no cheap source of high quality (graphics) unless you find someone willing to work for you cheap or for free.

Be very careful with copying sprites from other games. Some publishers have (and keep) very strict policies.

Another forum/site that might give you more information is http://www.Gamedev.net

Especially interesting might be the resources found here

like image 90
Emond Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 06:11
