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How to start elastic search using command terminal in ubuntu

While installing elastic search in ubuntu-16.04, my process wasn't completed even after several minutes. I have written 'bin/elasticsearch' as my last command in the terminal suring installation. What am I doing wrong ?

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Richa Jain Avatar asked May 11 '16 12:05

Richa Jain

2 Answers

For installing Elasticsearch you just need to download and decompress the file.

Then go to you Elasticsearch folder and type


The server will start, but if you exit the terminal or press Ctrl+X it will stop.

You can add -d if you want to run it as a deamon in the background.

To see if Elasticsearch is running, just type

curl 'http://localhost:9200/?pretty'


ps aux | grep elastic

To stop the service, just kill the process.

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angoru Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 07:10


install the .tar file from the website. Extract it. Go to its bin folder and do a "./elasticsearch". It'll be up and running on port 9200

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Aquib Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 07:10
