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How to start an android app with valgrind


I've been searching for the last week trying to find an answer to this question.

How do I start an Android app with valgrind? I know I can start an app with the 'am' command, but it starts the app and exits.

I'm writing an app that uses the NDK for native C code, and I need to check it for suspected memory errors.


I've learned a little more. You can "wrap" an app with a shell script.

Here's the shell script I'm using:

#!/system/bin/sh VGPARAMS='--error-limit=no' export TMPDIR=/data/data/com.starlon.froyvisuals exec /data/local/Inst/bin/valgrind $VGPARAMS $* 

And here's setprop:

adb shell setprop wrap.com.starlon.froyvisuals "logwrapper valgrind" 

And here's how I start the app:

adb shell am start -n com.starlon.froyvisuals/.FroyVisuals 

I don't think this is right, because I'm not sure where the shell script fits in and I'm not seeing anything in logcat. Any hints?

Edit2: Oh the shell script is indicated with "setprop" command above. So

adb shell setprop wrap.com.starlon.froyvisuals "logwrapper /data/local/val.sh" 

I'm still not seeing anything in logcat.

like image 666
Scott Avatar asked Feb 03 '12 03:02


1 Answers

You can try to clear the logcat first

prompt# adb logcat -c prompt# adb logcat 

You should be able to see the logs coming in once you triggered your application.

am start -a android.intent.action.MAIN -n com.example.hellojni/.HelloJni 

I had problems with my shell script and i used this instead.

adb shell setprop wrap.com.example.hellojni "logwrapper /data/local/Inst/bin/valgrind" 

You should be able to pass in the parameter right after valgrind

like image 77
jernkuan Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 04:09
