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How to split string between commas and store each in an array variable using vba

I have a question: How can I split the string between commas which are inside open and closed parentheses and store each in an array variable?


strinput = "( u1 u1t_a, u2 u2t_b, s2 s2t_c, s4 s4t_d, ...n )"

Having an input string above, I want to store in an array variable the three and so on substring between commas which are inside open and closed parentheses :

substr(0) = "u1 u1t_a"
substr(1) = "u2 u2t_b"
substr(2) = "s2 s2t_c"
substr(n) = "...n"

As of now, I am having difficulty of using loop together with array in VBA so my code is like a brute force which can only process a maximum of 3 text since the code will became long so I made a limit.

See my code here:

strinput = "( u1 u1t_a, u2 u2t_b, s2 s2t_c )"

substr1 = Right(strinput, Len(strinput) - Find("(", strinput))
    'Output: u1 u1t_a, u2 u2t_b, s2 s2t_c )
substr1f = Left(substr1, Find(",", substr1) - 1)
    'Output: u1 u1t_a

substr2 = Right(substr1, Len(substr1) - Find("(", substr1))
    'Output: u2 u2t_b, s2 s2t_c )
substr2f = Left(substr2, Find(",", substr2) - 1)
    'Output: u2 u2t_b

substr3 = Right(substr2, Len(substr2) - Find("(", substr2))
    'Output: s2 s2t_c )
substr3f = Left(substr3, Find(")", substr3) - 1)
    'Output: s2 s2t_c

How can I make this loop?

like image 563
marubindesu Avatar asked Sep 30 '18 16:09


People also ask

How do I split a string in Excel VBA?

The Microsoft Excel SPLIT function will split a string into substrings based on a delimiter. The result is returned as an array of substrings. The SPLIT function is a built-in function in Excel that is categorized as a String/Text Function. It can be used as a VBA function (VBA) in Excel.

How do I convert a string to an array in VBA?

To convert the split string into an array in VBA, we have a function called “SPLIT.” This VBA function. Therefore, in VBA, we use syntax to specify the parameters and data type while defining the function. Such functions are called user-defined functions.

How does VBA Split function work?

The VBA Split Function is used is to split a string of text into an array. The text is split based on a given delimiter – e.g. a comma, space, colon etc. You can see that each item separated by the colon sign. We call the colon sign the delimiter.

1 Answers

Is this what you are trying to do? I have commented the code so you may not have a problem understanding it... And welcome to stackoverflow :)

Option Explicit

Sub Sample()
    Dim Ar As Variant
    Dim strinput  As String, s As String
    Dim i As Long

    strinput = "( u1 u1t_a, u2 u2t_b, s2 s2t_c, s4 s4t_d, ...n )"

    '~~> Replace ( and ) with ""
    s = Replace(Replace(strinput, ")", ""), "(", "")

    '~~> Split and store in an arry based on ","
    Ar = Split(s, ",")

    '~~> See what is there in the array
    For i = LBound(Ar) To UBound(Ar)
        Debug.Print Ar(i)
    Next i
End Sub

If you want to combine the Replace and Split then you can use this as well

Option Explicit

Sub Sample()
    Dim Ar As Variant
    Dim strinput  As String
    Dim i As Long

    strinput = "( u1 u1t_a, u2 u2t_b, s2 s2t_c, s4 s4t_d, ...n )"

    Ar = Split(Split(Split(strinput, "(")(1), ")")(0), ",")

    '~~> See what is there in the array
    For i = LBound(Ar) To UBound(Ar)
        Debug.Print Ar(i)
    Next i
End Sub
like image 119
Siddharth Rout Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 07:09

Siddharth Rout