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How to speed up the agg of pandas groupby bins?

I have created different bins for each column and grouped the DataFrame based on these.

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(100, 4), columns=['a', 'b', 'c', 'value'])

# for simplicity, I use the same bin here
bins = np.arange(-3, 4, 0.05)

df['a_bins'] = pd.cut(df['a'], bins=bins)
df['b_bins'] = pd.cut(df['b'], bins=bins)
df['c_bins'] = pd.cut(df['c'], bins=bins)

The output of df.groupby(['a_bins','b_bins','c_bins']).size() indicates the group length is 2685619.

Calculate statistics of each group

Then, the statistics of each group are calculated like this:


>>> 16.9 s ± 637 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)

Expected output

  1. Is it possible to speed this up?
  2. The quicker method should also support finding the value by inputs of a, b, and c values, like this:
df.groupby(['a_bins','b_bins','c_bins']).agg({'value':['mean']}).loc[(-1.72, 0.32, 1.18)]

>>> -0.252436
like image 352
zxdawn Avatar asked Dec 22 '21 16:12


People also ask

How do you make apply faster in pandas?

You can speed up the execution even faster by using another trick: making your pandas' dataframes lighter by using more efficent data types. As we know that df only contains integers from 1 to 10, we can then reduce the data type from 64 bits to 16 bits. See how we reduced the size of our dataframe from 38MB to 9.5MB.

How does Groupby AGG work?

For a single column of results, the agg function, by default, will produce a Series. The groupby output will have an index or multi-index on rows corresponding to your chosen grouping variables. To avoid setting this index, pass “as_index=False” to the groupby operation.

How do you simply make an operation on pandas DataFrame faster?

Numpy supports several operations directly on arrays – hence to add 1 to every element of an array, we can simply do col=col+1 on the array. We once again see that this turns out to be faster than doing a similar operation on the pandas dataframe column.

Is pandas Groupby lazy?

Groupby is lazy in that it doesn't calculate groups right away. It does so on the first request to them. Or when you use IPython and hit tab with gg under the cursor. It can be seen if you track memory consumption of the process.

3 Answers

For this data, I'd suggest you pivot the data, and pass the mean. Usually, this is faster since you are hitting the entire dataframe, instead of going through each group:

 .pivot(None, ['a_bins', 'b_bins', 'c_bins'], 'value')
 .sort_index() # ignore this if you are not fuzzy on order

a_bins         b_bins         c_bins       
(-2.15, -2.1]  (0.25, 0.3]    (-1.3, -1.25]    0.929100
               (0.75, 0.8]    (-0.3, -0.25]    0.480411
(-2.05, -2.0]  (-0.1, -0.05]  (0.3, 0.35]     -1.684900
               (0.75, 0.8]    (-0.25, -0.2]   -1.184411
(-2.0, -1.95]  (-0.6, -0.55]  (-1.2, -1.15]   -0.021176
(1.7, 1.75]    (-0.75, -0.7]  (1.05, 1.1]     -0.229518
(1.85, 1.9]    (-0.4, -0.35]  (1.8, 1.85]      0.003017
(1.9, 1.95]    (-1.45, -1.4]  (0.1, 0.15]      0.949361
(2.05, 2.1]    (-0.35, -0.3]  (-0.65, -0.6]    0.763184
(2.25, 2.3]    (-0.95, -0.9]  (0.1, 0.15]      2.539432

This matches the output from the groupby:


a_bins         b_bins         c_bins       
(-2.15, -2.1]  (0.25, 0.3]    (-1.3, -1.25]    0.929100
               (0.75, 0.8]    (-0.3, -0.25]    0.480411
(-2.05, -2.0]  (-0.1, -0.05]  (0.3, 0.35]     -1.684900
               (0.75, 0.8]    (-0.25, -0.2]   -1.184411
(-2.0, -1.95]  (-0.6, -0.55]  (-1.2, -1.15]   -0.021176
(1.7, 1.75]    (-0.75, -0.7]  (1.05, 1.1]     -0.229518
(1.85, 1.9]    (-0.4, -0.35]  (1.8, 1.85]      0.003017
(1.9, 1.95]    (-1.45, -1.4]  (0.1, 0.15]      0.949361
(2.05, 2.1]    (-0.35, -0.3]  (-0.65, -0.6]    0.763184
(2.25, 2.3]    (-0.95, -0.9]  (0.1, 0.15]      2.539432
Name: (value, mean), Length: 100, dtype: float64

The pivot option gives a speed of 3.72ms on my PC, while I had to terminate the groupby option, as it was taking too long (my PC is quite old :))

Again, the reason why this works/is faster is because the mean is hitting the entire dataframe, and not going through groups in the groupby.

As to your other question, you can index it easily:

bin_mean = (df
 .pivot(None, ['a_bins', 'b_bins', 'c_bins'], 'value')
 .sort_index() # ignore this if you are not fuzzy on order

bin_mean.loc[(-1.72, 0.32, 1.18)]

The main problem though is Pandas for categoricals will return for all rows( which is wasteful, and not efficient); pass observed = True and you should notice a dramatic improvement:

(df.groupby(['a_bins','b_bins','c_bins'], observed=True)

a_bins        b_bins        c_bins                 
(-2.15, -2.1] (0.25, 0.3]   (-1.3, -1.25]  0.929100
              (0.75, 0.8]   (-0.3, -0.25]  0.480411
(-2.05, -2.0] (-0.1, -0.05] (0.3, 0.35]   -1.684900
              (0.75, 0.8]   (-0.25, -0.2] -1.184411
(-2.0, -1.95] (-0.6, -0.55] (-1.2, -1.15] -0.021176
...                                             ...
(1.7, 1.75]   (-0.75, -0.7] (1.05, 1.1]   -0.229518
(1.85, 1.9]   (-0.4, -0.35] (1.8, 1.85]    0.003017
(1.9, 1.95]   (-1.45, -1.4] (0.1, 0.15]    0.949361
(2.05, 2.1]   (-0.35, -0.3] (-0.65, -0.6]  0.763184
(2.25, 2.3]   (-0.95, -0.9] (0.1, 0.15]    2.539432

Speed is about 7.39ms on my PC, about 2 times less than the pivot option, but way faster now, and that's because only categoricals that exist in the dataframe are used/returned.

like image 182
sammywemmy Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 09:10


An alternative straightforward solution, based on convtools, which is able to process input stream of data and doesn't require input data to fit into memory:

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from convtools import conversion as c

def c_bin(left, right, bin_size):
    return c.if_(
        c.or_(c.this < left, c.this > right),
        ((c.this - left) // bin_size).pipe(
            (c.this * bin_size + left, (c.this + 1) * bin_size + left)

to_binned = c_bin(-3, 4, 0.05)
to_interval = c.if_(c.this, c.apply_func(pd.Interval, c.this, {}), None)

a_bins = c.item(0).pipe(to_binned)
b_bins = c.item(1).pipe(to_binned)
c_bins = c.item(2).pipe(to_binned)
converter = (
    c.group_by(a_bins, b_bins, c_bins)
            "a_bins": a_bins.pipe(to_interval),
            "b_bins": b_bins.pipe(to_interval),
            "c_bins": c_bins.pipe(to_interval),
            "value_mean": c.ReduceFuncs.Average(c.item(3)),

data = np.random.randn(100, 4)

df = pd.DataFrame(converter(data)).set_index(["a_bins", "b_bins", "c_bins"])
df.loc[(-1.72, 0.32, 1.18)]


In [44]: %timeit converter(data)
438 µs ± 1.59 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1000 loops each)

# passing back to pandas, timing the end-to-end thing:
In [43]: %timeit pd.DataFrame(converter(data)).set_index(["a_bins", "b_bins", "c_bins"]).loc[(-1.72, 0.32, 1.18)]
2.37 ms ± 14.4 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)

JFYI: Shortened output of converter(data):

 {'a_bins': Interval(-0.44999999999999973, -0.3999999999999999, closed='right'),
  'b_bins': Interval(0.7000000000000002, 0.75, closed='right'),
  'c_bins': Interval(-0.19999999999999973, -0.1499999999999999, closed='right'),
  'value_mean': -0.08605564337254189},
 {'a_bins': Interval(-0.34999999999999964, -0.2999999999999998, closed='right'),
  'b_bins': Interval(-0.1499999999999999, -0.09999999999999964, closed='right'),
  'c_bins': Interval(0.050000000000000266, 0.10000000000000009, closed='right'),
  'value_mean': 0.18971879197958597},
 {'a_bins': Interval(-2.05, -2.0, closed='right'),
  'b_bins': Interval(0.75, 0.8000000000000003, closed='right'),
  'c_bins': Interval(-0.25, -0.19999999999999973, closed='right'),
  'value_mean': -1.1844114274105708}]
like image 3
westandskif Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 08:10


This is a good use-case for scipy.stats.binned_statistic_dd. The snippet below computes mean statistic only, but many other statistics are supported (see docs linked above):

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(100, 4), columns=["a", "b", "c", "value"])

# for simplicity, I use the same bin here
bins = np.arange(-3, 4, 0.05)

df["a_bins"] = pd.cut(df["a"], bins=bins)
df["b_bins"] = pd.cut(df["b"], bins=bins)
df["c_bins"] = pd.cut(df["c"], bins=bins)

# this takes about 35 seconds
result_pandas = df.groupby(["a_bins", "b_bins", "c_bins"]).agg({"value": ["mean"]})

from scipy.stats import binned_statistic_dd

# this takes about 20 ms
result_scipy = binned_statistic_dd(
    df[["a", "b", "c"]].to_numpy(), df["value"], bins=(bins, bins, bins)

# this is a verbose way to get a dataframe representation
# for many purposes this probably will not be needed
# takes about 5 seconds
temp_list = []
for na, a in enumerate(result_scipy[1][0][:-1]):
    for nb, b in enumerate(result_scipy[1][1][:-1]):
        for nc, c in enumerate(result_scipy[1][2][:-1]):
            value = result_scipy[0][na, nb, nc]
            temp_list.append([a, b, c, value])

result_scipy_as_df = pd.DataFrame(temp_list, columns=list("abcx"))

# check that the result is the same
result_scipy_as_df["x"].describe() == result_pandas["value"]["mean"].describe()

If you are interested in speeding up this further, this answer might be useful.

An important caveat is that binned_statistic_dd uses bins that are closed on the right, e.g. [0,1), except for the last one (refer to the Notes in the linked docs), so for consistent bin identifiers one would have to use right=False in pd.cut.

Here's a look-up example, note that here the exact bin edge location is increased by 1 to get similar result as in pandas:

aloc, bloc, cloc = -2.12, 0.23, -1.25
print(result_pandas.loc[(aloc, bloc, cloc)])
    np.digitize(aloc, result_scipy.bin_edges[0][1:]),
    np.digitize(bloc, result_scipy.bin_edges[1][1:]),
    np.digitize(cloc, result_scipy.bin_edges[2][1:]),
like image 1
SultanOrazbayev Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 09:10
