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How to speed up Jekyll/Octopress generation?

I'm using Octopress as my blog engine. It's perfect. But if there are many posts, for example 400+ posts, the speed of generation is soooo slow.

So, is there any way to speed up Jekyll/Octopress generation?


like image 431
fannheyward Avatar asked Nov 04 '12 09:11


3 Answers

Obviously if you are just working on one post, there is no need to wait for the entire site to generate. What you are looking for is the rake isolate[partial_post_name] task.
Using rake isolate, you can “isolate” only that post you are working on and move all the others to the source/_stash folder. The partial_post_name parameter is just some words in the file name for the post. For example, if I want to isolate the post from the earlier example, I would use

rake isolate[plain-english]  

This will move all the other posts to source/_stash and only keep the 2011-09-29-just-type-the-title-of-the-post-here-in-plain-english.markdown post in source/_posts. You can also do this while you are running rake preview. It will just detect a massive change and only regenerate that one post from then on.

by @Pavan Podila
More Info: Tips for Speeding Up Octopress Site Generation

2013.01.08 update:
Hexo--A fast, simple & powerful blog framework, powered by Node.js.
Features:Incredibly fast - generate static files in a glance

2013.6.20 update:
gor -- A static websites and blog generator engine written in Go
gor has following awesome benefits: 1. Speed -- Less than 1 second when compiling all my near 200 blogs on wendal.net 2. Simple -- Only one single executable file generated after compiling, no other dependence

like image 126
Snger Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 06:11


Install Ruby GSL

gem install gsl 

You should notice a speed increase.

like image 1
Joshua Hornby Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 05:11

Joshua Hornby

hexo powered by Node.js. I am using it, much faster than Octopress. And it provides a simple way to migrate your articles to hexo very easily.

like image 1
Julian Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 07:11
