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how to speed up an R for loop?

I am running the following for loop for the gwr.basic function in the GWmodel package in R. What I need to do is to collect the mean of estimate parameter for any given bandwidth.

the code looks like:


LARentMean = list()
for (i in 20:21)
gwr.res <- gwr.basic(GenEl2004 ~ DiffAdd + LARent + SC1 + Unempl + LowEduc + Age18_24 + Age25_44 + Age45_64, data = Dub.voter, bw = i,  kernel = "bisquare", adaptive = TRUE, F123.test = TRUE)
a <- mean(gwr.res$SDF$LARent)
LARentMean[i] <- a
outcome = unlist(LARentMean)

> outcome
[1] -0.1117668 -0.1099969

However it is terribly slow at returning the result. I need a much wider range such as 20:200. Is there a way to speed the process up? If not, how to have a stepped range let's say 20 to 200 with steps of 5 to reduce the number of operations?

I am a python user new to R. I read on SO that R is well known for being slow at for loops and that there are more efficient alternatives. More clarity on this point would be welcomed.

like image 763
Blue Moon Avatar asked Feb 10 '23 05:02

Blue Moon

2 Answers

I got the same impression like @musically_ut. The for loop and the traditional for-vs.apply debate is unlikely to help you here. Try to go for parallelization if you got more than one core. There are several packages like parallel or snowfall. Which package is ultimately the best and fastest depends on your machine and operating system.

Best does not always equal fastest here. A code that works cross-platform and can be worth more than a bit of extra performance. Also transparency and ease of use can outweigh maximum speed. That being said I like the standard solution a lot and would recommend to use parallel which ships with R and works on Windows, OSX and Linux.

EDIT: here's the fully reproducible example using the OP's example.



bwlist <- list(bw1 = 20, bw2 = 21)

cl <- makeCluster(detectCores())

# load 'GWmodel' for each node
clusterEvalQ(cl, library(GWmodel))

# export data to each node
clusterExport(cl, varlist = c("bwlist","Dub.voter"))

out <- parLapply(cl, bwlist, function(e){
 try(gwr.basic(GenEl2004 ~ DiffAdd + LARent + SC1 +
 Unempl + LowEduc + Age18_24 + Age25_44 +
 Age45_64, data = Dub.voter,
 bw = e,  kernel = "bisquare",
 adaptive = TRUE, F123.test = TRUE  ))

} )

LArent_l <- lapply(lapply(out,"[[","SDF"),"[[","LARent")

# finally, stop the cluster
like image 165
Matt Bannert Avatar answered Feb 11 '23 19:02

Matt Bannert

Besides using parallelization as Matt Bannert suggests, you should preallocate the vector LARentMean. Often, it's not the for loop itself that is slow but the fact that the for seduces you to do slow things like creating growing vectors.

Consider the following example to see the impact of a growing vector as compared to preallocating the memory:


growing <- function(x) {
  mylist <- list()
  for (i in 1:x) {
    mylist[[i]] <- i

allocate <- function(x) {
  mylist <- vector(mode = "list", length = x)
  for (i in 1:x) {
    mylist[[i]] <- i

microbenchmark(growing(1000), allocate(1000), times = 1000)
# Unit: microseconds
#          expr      min       lq      mean   median       uq       max neval
# growing(1000) 3055.134 4284.202 4743.4874 4433.024 4655.616 47977.236  1000
# allocate(1000)  867.703  917.738  998.0719  956.441  995.143  2564.192  1000

The growing list is about 5 times slower than the version that preallocates the memory.

like image 37
CL. Avatar answered Feb 11 '23 18:02