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How to specify that a parameter is a list of specific objects in Python docstrings




I really like using docstrings in Python to specify type parameters when projects get beyond a certain size.

I'm having trouble finding a standard to use to specify that a parameter is a list of specific objects, e.g. in Haskell types I'd use [String] or [A].

Current standard (recognisable by PyCharm editor):

def stringify(listOfObjects):     """     :type listOfObjects: list     """     return ", ".join(map(str, listOfObjects)) 

What I'd prefer:


def stringify(listOfObjects):     """     :type listOfObjects: list<Object>       """     return ", ".join(map(str, listOfObjects)) 


def stringify(listOfObjects):     """     :type listOfObjects: [Object]     """     return ", ".join(map(str, listOfObjects)) 

I suppose that wasn't a great example - the more relevant use case would be one where the objects in the list must be of a specific type.


class Food(Object):     def __init__(self, calories):         self.calories = calories  class Apple(Food):     def __init__(self):         super(self, 200)  class Person(Object):     energy = 0     def eat(foods):         """         :type foods: [Food]  # is NOT recognised by editor         """         for food in foods:             energy += food.calories 

So, other than the fact that I'm getting hungry, this example illustrates that if called with a list of the wrong kind of object, the code would break. Hence the importance of documenting not only that it needs a list, but that it needs a list of Food.

RELATED QUESTION How can I tell PyCharm what type a parameter is expected to be? Please note that I'm looking for a more specific answer than the one above.

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Alex Avatar asked Jul 24 '13 02:07


2 Answers

In comments section of PyCharm's manual there's a nice hint from developer:

#: :type: dict of (str, C) #: :type: list of str 

It works for me pretty well. Now it makes me wonder what's the best way to document parametrized classes in Python :).

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Michael Korbakov Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 16:10

Michael Korbakov

As pointed out in the PyCharm docs, a (legacy, pre-PEP-484) way of doing this is using square brackets:

list[Foo]: List of Foo elements

dict[Foo, Bar]: Dict from Foo to Bar

list of str, as suggested in the accepted answer, does not work as expected in PyCharm.

Starting with Python 3.5 and the implementation of PEP-484, you can also use type hints, which may be nicely supported by your IDE/editor. How this is easily done in PyCharm is explained here.

In essence, to declare a list return type using type-hinting (Python >=3.5), you may do something like this:

from typing import List  """ Great foo function.  :rtype: list[str] """ def foo() -> List[str]:     return ['some string', 'some other string'] 

Here we declare (somewhat redundantly) that the function foo returns a list of strings, both in the type hint -> List[str] and in the docstring :rtype: list[str].

Other pre-declared types and more info can be found in the Python docs for typing.

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Hendrik Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 15:10
