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How to specify specific qt version in mxe





I need to use qt version 5.5 with mxe but dont find any option. I only see qt which is 4.8.7 and qt5 which is 5.8 Am I restricted to one of the two versions or is there any option to use 5.5 also.


like image 995
lost111in Avatar asked Mar 22 '17 13:03


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In those cases, select Add in the Qt Versions tab to add the Qt version manually, as instructed in Setting Up New Qt Versions. Select Edit > Preferences > (or Qt Creator > Preferences on macOS) > Kits > Qt Versions > Link with Qt. In the Qt installation path field, enter the path to the directory where you installed Qt.

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1 Answers

Here is example how to freeze Qt version https://github.com/mxe/mxe/tree/master/plugins/examples/qt5-freeze

You need to copy that plugin folder and edit it to change to a version you need.

And than use it by adding mxe additional argument MXE_PLUGIN_DIRS='plugin dir path'

like image 167
IGHOR Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 23:09