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how to specify maven compiler plugin order





I'm working on a mixed java and kotlin project by using maven.

The problem I'm facing right now is, maven-compiler-plugin runs before compiling kotlin-maven-plugin.

[INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.0:compile (default-compile) @annotation --- 
[INFO] Changes detected - recompiling the module!
[INFO] Compiling 11 source files to /Users/hannes/workspace/tikxml/annotation/target/classes 
[INFO] --- kotlin-maven-plugin:1.0.0-beta-4583:compile (compile) @ annotation 
[INFO] Kotlin Compiler version 1.0.0-beta-4583

In my java source code I'm referencing classes written in kotlin. But javac runs before kotlinc. Hence, maven interrupts with compiler errors.

My pom (parent pom, I use submodules) looks like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0"
        xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-4.0.0.xsd">











like image 583
sockeqwe Avatar asked Dec 23 '15 14:12


2 Answers

The Kotlin documentation on Using Maven suggests explicitly binding the kotlin-maven-plugin execution to the process-sources phase. Since maven-compiler-plugin is bound to the compile phase, binding kotlin-maven-plugin to the process-sources phase makes it run first.


            <goals> <goal>compile</goal> </goals>

            <goals> <goal>test-compile</goal> </goals>
like image 99
Chris Nauroth Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 07:10

Chris Nauroth

Although it's more verbose, you can compile both Java and Kotlin sources in the compile phase with the following configuration:


Normally, plugins are executed in the order they are declared in the POM, but the executions of default-compile and default-testCompile are special because they're built-in, so they always go first. The above configuration gets around that by disabling the default compile executions, and declaring maven-compiler-plugin with new compilation executions after the kotlin-maven-plugin. In this way, you can get all compilation to properly occur during the compile phase of the build lifecycle.

like image 43
heenenee Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 06:10
