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How to specify in Spring XML configuration file class for a Map property?




Here is what I mean, see following spring XML file:

<bean id = 'a' class="A">
   <property name="mapProperty">
          <entry key="key1"><value>value1</value></entry>

And my class looks like following:

class A {
   HashMap mapProperty


How can I tell in spring XML file that Map to be injected is of type java.util.HashMap ? Or in general can I provide class name for the Map ?

Please note, I cannot change the class A to use Map instead of HashMap

Thanks in advance !!

like image 804
Sachin Thapa Avatar asked Oct 17 '13 20:10

Sachin Thapa

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1 Answers

You can use util:map

<util:map id="someId" map-class="java.util.HashMap">
    <entry key="key1">

<bean id="a" class="A">
    <property name="mapProperty" ref="someId">

Don't forget to add the util namespace.

like image 191
Sotirios Delimanolis Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 21:11

Sotirios Delimanolis