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How to specify commit and branch in csproj for nuget package creation

So currently you could configure the branch and commit a .nuspec (see reference):

<repository type="git" 
            commit="e1c65e4524cd70ee6e22abe33e6cb6ec73938cb3" />

But how could we configure that from the SDK-style .csproj files? Currently I have the type and url:


and I can't find the correct elements or attributes for "branch" and "commit". It's also not on this page: MSDN - Additions to the csproj format for .NET Core.

So how could I configure the branch and commit when creating nuget packages from a sdk-style csproj?

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Julian Avatar asked Jul 30 '19 20:07


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1 Answers

The properties you're looking for are as follows:

<RepositoryBranch>release2.2</RepositoryBranch> <!-- optional branch reference -->
<RepositoryCommit>24ca19c71e8a84eeb8b9d3f95faa4b244db4341b</RepositoryCommit> <!-- optional commit reference -->

Note that these are simply added to the package metadata and you will still only build whatever you have locally.

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nelsontruran Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 11:10
