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How to specify `--asg-access` in config file with eksctl?

I am trying to create a Kubernetes on AWS EKS cluster using eksctl with autoscaling enabled using proper IAM permissions. As per the documentation:

You can create a cluster (or nodegroup in an existing cluster) with IAM role that will allow use of cluster autoscaler:

eksctl create cluster --asg-access

I am trying to run

eksctl create cluster --asg-access -f myconfig.yml

But getting this error:

[✖]  cannot use --asg-access when --config-file/-f is set

Is their a way to use --asg-access within the config file? I try to look for a related config in the config file schema doc to no avail.

like image 551
Pierre B. Avatar asked Aug 02 '19 11:08

Pierre B.

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1 Answers

You can enable autoscaling within config file without passing asg-access flag, i.e.

    autoScaler: true


Hope this will help

like image 158
A_Suh Avatar answered Nov 23 '22 23:11
