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How to specify a short int literal without casting?




Is there a way to specify that my variable is a short int? I am looking for something similar to M suffix for decimals. For decimals, I do not have to say

var d = (decimal)1.23; 

I can just write as follows:

var d = 1.23M; 

Is there a way to write this

   var s  = SomeLiteralWithoutCast 

so that s is implied to be short int?

like image 864
Arne Lund Avatar asked Dec 29 '11 16:12

Arne Lund

People also ask

Can a short be assigned to an int without a cast?

Please note that the value of all integral types (int, long, byte, short, and char) can be assigned to a variable of the float data type without using an explicit cast, BUT a float value must be cast before it is assigned to a variable of any integral data type int, long, byte, short, or char.

What is a long C#?

long is a keyword that is used to declare a variable which can store a signed integer value from the range of -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807. It is an alias of System.

2 Answers

Short answer, No. In C#, there's no letter S that could be used as var a = 123S that would indicate that a is of type short. There's L for long, F for float, D for double, M for decimal, but not S. It would be nice if there was, but there isn't.

var a = 1M;  // decimal var a = 1L;  // long var a = 1F;  // float var a = 1D;  // double var a = 1;   // int  var a = 1U;  // uint var a = 1UL; // ulong 

but not

var a = 1S; // not possible, you must use (short)1; 
like image 109
Tomislav Markovski Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 04:09

Tomislav Markovski

The question is a bit confusing. Let's define some terms:

A constant expression is (roughly speaking) an expression known to the compiler to be a particular constant value.

A literal is a particular kind of constant expression; 123 and Math.PI are both constant expressions. The former is a literal, the latter is not.

A constant field is a member of a type that is initialized with a constant expression, and may then be used as a constant expression elsewhere. Math.PI is an example of a constant field.

A local constant is like a constant field, but scoped to a block. (Just as a local variable is scoped to a block.)

Constant fields and local constants are required to state their type explicitly; there is no "var" form for constants. (The very idea makes one shudder; a "const var" is obviously an oxymoron.)

Local variables are not required to state their type; the type can be inferred from the initializer. Such a local variable is called an "implicitly typed local variable".

So your question is "is there a way to write a literal constant expression of type short that can be used to initialize an implicitly typed local variable of type short?"

No, there is not. You can explicitly type the local variable:

short s1 = 123; 

You can explicitly type a local constant:

const short s2 = 123; 

Or you can make a constant expression that contains a cast to short:

var s3 = (short)123; 

Or you can make a local or field constant and use its name for the initializer of the implicitly typed local:

var s4 = s2; 

But there is no way around it; short has to appear somewhere, either in a field or local declaration or in the cast.

like image 37
Eric Lippert Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 04:09

Eric Lippert