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How to sort the output obtained with grep -c?




I use the following 'grep' command to get the count of the string alert in each of my files at the given path:

grep 'alert' -F /usr/local/snort/rules/* -c

How do I sort the resulting output in desired order- say ascending order, descending order, ordered by name, etc. An answer specific to these cases is sufficient.

You may freely suggest a command other than grep as well.

like image 335
pnp Avatar asked Sep 04 '12 08:09


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To sort anything you need to use the sort command. You can use grep to identify the lines to sort, then pipe the output to sort and use the -h switch for a numeric sort with -k identifying what column to sort on.

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1 Answers

Pipe it into sort. Assuming your filenames have no colons, use the "-t" option to specify the colon as field saparator. Use -n for numerical sorting.


grep 'alert' -F /usr/local/snort/rules/* -c | sort -t: -n -k2

should split lines into fields separated by ":", use the second field for sorting, and treat this as numbers (so 21 is actually later than 3).

like image 187
Christian Stieber Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 02:11

Christian Stieber