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How to sort complex numbers by real part follow by imaginary part



I want to sort a list (or in julia speak an one dimensional array) of complex numbers, by real part then by imaginary part of the complex number. I tried using anonymous function for the lt but it does not work.

julia> b=[3 + 1im,1 + 2im,1 + 1im,5 + 6im]
4-element Array{Complex{Int64},1}:
 3 + 1im
 1 + 2im
 1 + 1im
 5 + 6im

julia> sort(b,lt = x,y -> if(real(x)==real(y)) imag(x)<imag(y) else real(x)<real(y) end)
ERROR: UndefVarError: x not defined
 [1] top-level scope at none:0

I want the following results

 1 + 1im
 1 + 2im
 3 + 1im
 5 + 6im
like image 411
Steven Siew Avatar asked Aug 16 '18 12:08

Steven Siew

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1 Answers

So close!

julia> sort(b, lt = (x,y) -> real(x)==real(y) ? imag(x)<imag(y) : real(x)<real(y))
4-element Array{Complex{Int64},1}:
like image 172
James Cook Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 14:09

James Cook