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How to solve this EXC_BAD_ACCESS(code=EXC_i386_GPFLT )in swift programming





this is my code.getting this EXC_BAD_ACCESS(code=EXC_i386_GPFLT).I don'n know how to find and solve plz help me ...application getting crash when get longitude

var mapAddress:NSString=mapServerRequest
var urlpath=NSString(format: "http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/json?address=%@", mapAddress)
var url = NSURL.URLWithString(urlpath)
var jsonData:NSData=NSData(contentsOfURL:url)

       if(jsonData != nil)
        var error:NSError=NSError(coder: nil)
        var result:NSDictionary=NSJSONSerialization .JSONObjectWithData(jsonData, options: NSJSONReadingOptions.MutableContainers, error: nil) as NSDictionary
        if (error != nil)
            mapServerResultArray=result.valueForKey("results") as NSMutableArray
           // println(mapServerResultArray)

      var longitud:NSString

           longitud=mapServerResultArray.objectAtIndex(0).valueForKey("geometry").valueForKey("location").valueForKey("lng")as NSString

        var latitud :NSString = (mapServerResultArray .objectAtIndex(0).valueForKey("geometry").valueForKey("location").valueForKey("lat")) as NSString
        placeName=mapServerResultArray .objectAtIndex(0).valueForKey("formatted_address") as NSString
        var longitude:Float=longitud.floatValue
        var latitude:Float=latitud.floatValue
like image 569
user3541467 Avatar asked Jul 19 '14 06:07


3 Answers

Short answer:

enable Zombies in the Scheme and it will enable a breakpoint and proper reason will be displayed in the logs

Technical reason:

You are trying to do something which in not allowed in the architecture refer this What's the meaning of exception code "EXC_I386_GPFLT"?

like image 192
Ankit Sachan Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 03:11

Ankit Sachan

Your problem here is that most of the operations you are performing can return nil, which will crash Swift if you try and use it as a non-nil value. You need to be explicit about testing for nil. The sledgehammer way of doing it would be

let mapAddress = "Hyderabad,india"

let url = NSURL.URLWithString("http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/json?address=\(mapAddress)")

let jsonData = NSData(contentsOfURL:url)

var latitude = NSNumber(double: 0.0)
var longitude = NSNumber(double: 0.0)
var success = false

if jsonData != nil {
    if let result = NSJSONSerialization.JSONObjectWithData(jsonData, options: NSJSONReadingOptions.MutableContainers, error: nil) as? NSDictionary {
        if let mapServerResultArray = result.valueForKey("results") as? NSArray {
            if let geometry = mapServerResultArray[0].valueForKey("geometry") as? NSDictionary {
                if let location = geometry.valueForKey("location") as? NSDictionary {
                    if let lat = location.valueForKey("lat") as? Float {
                        latitude = lat
                        if let lng = location.valueForKey("lng") as? Float {
                            longitude = lng
                            success = true
if success {
    println("Latitude = \(latitude), longitude=\(longitude)")
} else {

... however that is ugly. As this routine may or may not find any of the keys, at the end you may or may not have a valid pair of coordinates. This is exactly what Optionals are for. Consider rewriting it as a function that returns an optional:

struct Coordinate { // Or use any of Cocoa's similar structs
    var latitude: Double
    var longitude: Double

func getCoordsOf(#address: String) -> Coordinate? {
    let url = NSURL.URLWithString("http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/json?address=\(address)")
    let jsonData = NSData(contentsOfURL:url)
    if jsonData == nil { return nil }

    let result = NSJSONSerialization.JSONObjectWithData(jsonData, options: NSJSONReadingOptions.MutableContainers, error: nil) as NSDictionary
    if result == nil { return nil }

    if let geometry = result.valueForKey("results").valueForKey("geometry") as? NSArray {
        if geometry.count > 0 {
            let lat = geometry[0].valueForKey("location")?.valueForKey("lat")?.doubleValue
            let lng = geometry[0].valueForKey("location")?.valueForKey("lng")?.doubleValue

            if (lat != nil) && (lng != nil) {
                return Coordinate(latitude: lat!, longitude: lng!)
    return nil

if let coord = getCoordsOf(address: "Hyderabad,india") {
    // ... do something

This uses Optional Chaining (?) to lessen the testing, but we have to break it at geometry because we need that to be an array, as we need to access a specific element of it (and, of course, should test that it isn't an empty array!)

p.s. - ironically, your test on error != nil does nothing, as you did not send error to the JSONObjectWithData routine.

like image 25
Grimxn Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 05:11


In that type of situation you can convert latitude to string. Updated code:

    var mapAddress:NSString=mapServerRequest
    var urlpath=NSString(format: "http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/json?address=%@", mapAddress)
    var url = NSURL.URLWithString(urlpath)
    var jsonData:NSData=NSData(contentsOfURL:url)

           if(jsonData != nil)
            var error:NSError=NSError(coder: nil)
            var result:NSDictionary=NSJSONSerialization .JSONObjectWithData(jsonData, options: NSJSONReadingOptions.MutableContainers, error: nil) as NSDictionary
            if (error != nil)
                mapServerResultArray=result.valueForKey("results") as NSMutableArray
               // println(mapServerResultArray)

          var longitud:NSString

            var latitud :NSString
 latitud=NSString(format:(mapServerResultArray .objectAtIndex(0).valueForKey("geometry").valueForKey("location").valueForKey("lat")))
            placeName=NSString(format:mapServerResultArray .objectAtIndex(0).valueForKey("formatted_address"))
            var longitude:Float=longitud.floatValue
            var latitude:Float=latitud.floatValue
like image 44
saraman Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 03:11
