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How to solve the select overlap bug in IE6?

I don't know anything better than an Iframe

But it does occur to me that this could be added in JS by looking for a couple of variables

  1. IE 6
  2. A high Z-Index (you tend to have to set a z-index if you are floating a div over)
  3. A box element

Then a script that looks for these items and just add an iframe layer would be a neat solution


Thanks for the iframe hack solution. It's ugly and yet still elegant. :)

Just a comment. If you happen to be running your site via SSL, the dummy iframe tag needs to have a src specified, otherwise IE6 is going to complain with a security warning.


    <iframe src="javascript:false;"></iframe>

I've seen some people recommend setting src to blank.html ... but I like the javascript way more. Go figure.

As far as I know there are only two options, the better of which is the mentioned usage of an iframe. The other one is hiding all selects when the overlay is shown, leading to an even weirder user experience.

try this plugin http://docs.jquery.com/Plugins/bgiframe , it should work!

usage: $('.your-dropdown-menu').bgiframe();