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How to solve svn error E155010?



My working copy is in an inconsistent status:

$ svn status svn: E155037: Previous operation has not finished; run 'cleanup' if it was interrupted $ svn cleanup svn: E155010: The node '<myprojectpath>/libs/armeabi/gdbserver' was not found. 

I'm stucked on it. There is a solution to solve this? Thanks.

like image 767
spacifici Avatar asked Nov 14 '12 09:11


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1 Answers

I had the same problem and I found that is quite simple to solve (in my case). Open a console and go to the folder presenting the problem (in you case <myprojectpath>/libs/armeabi/gdbserver).

Run svn up. It will show you a line presenting the same error svn: E155010:....

lore@loreLaptop ~/workspace/Ng $ svn up Updating '.': svn: E155010: The node '/home/lore/workspace/Ng/.classpath' was not found. 

Run svn cleanup.

lore@loreLaptop ~/workspace/Ng $ svn cleanup 

Run svn up again: a menu will be showed allowing you to edit/resolve/accept/... a particular configuration:

lore@loreLaptop ~/workspace/Ng $ svn up Updating '.': Conflict for property 'svn:ignore' discovered on '/home/lore/workspace/Ng'. Select: (p) postpone, (df) diff-full, (e) edit,         (s) show all options: s    (e)  edit             - change merged file in an editor   (df) diff-full        - show all changes made to merged file   (r)  resolved         - accept merged version of file    (dc) display-conflict - show all conflicts (ignoring merged version)   (mc) mine-conflict    - accept my version for all conflicts (same)   (tc) theirs-conflict  - accept their version for all conflicts (same)    (mf) mine-full        - accept my version of entire file (even non-conflicts)   (tf) theirs-full      - accept their version of entire file (same)    (p)  postpone         - mark the conflict to be resolved later   (l)  launch           - launch external tool to resolve conflict   (s)  show all         - show this list  Select: (p) postpone, (df) diff-full, (e) edit,         (s) show all options: e Select: (p) postpone, (df) diff-full, (e) edit, (r) resolved,         (s) show all options: r  U   . Updated to revision 193. Summary of conflicts:   Skipped paths: 2 

Run svn up to be sure that the conflict is resolved:

lore@loreLaptop ~/workspace/Ng $ svn up Updating '.': At revision 193. Summary of conflicts:   Skipped paths: 2 

That's all. Hope could be useful for someone.

like image 56
baronKarza Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 02:09
