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How to solve ReadTimeoutError: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='pypi.python.org', port=443) with pip?




People also ask

Is PyPI a pip?

Using a Custom Package Index. By default, pip uses PyPI to look for packages.

How do I increase PIP timeout?

Increate pip timeout value We can use –timeout seconds argument to increase pip timeout value. textract is a python library. However, pip will try to read url if it finds error. We also can set pip retry times.

Use --default-timeout=100 parameter with the install:

sudo pip install --default-timeout=100 future

sudo pip install --default-timeout=100 future 

or alternatively


worked for me on Mac OS X

They are two ways to handle this issue:

sudo pip install --default-timeout=100 future


pip install --default-timeout=100 future

Note: If you are not superuser of your machine, the sudo pip command will not work.