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How to solve "Error connecting to SMTP host: [Errno 10061] No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it''?

I am creating an application where I need to send mail for some particular logs. Here is my rule file:

es_host: localhost
es_port: 9200
name: Log Level Test
type: frequency
index: testindexv4
num_events: 1
   hours: 4
 - term:
     log_level.keyword: "ERROR"
 - query:
       query: "log_level.keyword: ERROR"
- "email"
- "<mailId>@gmail.com"

Here is the config.yaml

rules_folder: myrules
  seconds: 2
  seconds: 10
es_host: localhost
es_port: 9200
writeback_index: elastalert_status
  days: 2

Here is smpt_auth.yaml

 - email
 - "<mailId>@gmail.com"
smtp_host: "smtp.gmail.com" 
smtp_port: 587 
smtp_ssl: true
from_addr: "<mailId>@gmail.com"
smtp_auth_file: 'D:\ELK_Info\ElastAlert\elastalert-master\smtp_auth_user.yaml'

Here is smtp_auth_user.yaml

user: "<mailId>@gmail.com"
password: "<password>"

When I run this command:

python -m elastalert.elastalert --verbose --rule myrules\myrule.yaml

I get an error as:

ERROR:root: Error while running alert email: Error connecting to SMTP host: [Errno 10061] No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.

Any idea on how to resolve the same, please?

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Deva Avatar asked Sep 18 '18 12:09


People also ask

How do you fix 10061 No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it?

1-Disable WMI services : run - services. msc - Windows Management Instrumentation(WMI) - stop the service. 2-Delete the files under C:\Windows\System32\wbem\Repository 3-Open regedit: Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > Software and HKEY_CURRENT_USER > Software.

Can't connect to error 10061 connection?

The 10061 is a winsock connection error meaning the connection was refused. No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it. This usually results from trying to connect to a service that is inactive on the foreign host i.e. one with no server application running.

Why can’t I connect to SMTP host?

Any configuration mistakes in these settings can cause email errors due to authentication failures and show the message “Unable to connect to SMTP host”. If the connection is attempted to a different mail server, it will not work. This can happen especially in the cases of website migration from one server to another.

Why does it fail to connect to the mail server?

It may fail due to server-side firewall restrictions, an incorrect mail server name or port, or other reasons, and displays the error: And, based on the mail server’s reaction, we’ve seen two distinct variations of this error: Causes: SMTP ERROR: Failed to connect to server? 1. SMTP restrictions on the server

Why am I getting SMTP errors in WHM?

These restrictions lead to SMTP errors. The setting in WHM ‘Server Configuration > Tweak Settings > Mail => ‘Restrict outgoing SMTP to root, exim, and mailman (FKA SMTP Tweak)’, blocks outgoing SMTP from website software. Another setting in WHM that provides the same restriction is, “WHM Home » Security Center » SMTP Restrictions”.

Why does sendemail fail to connect to localhost?

If you do not have an SMTP server or forwarder installed (which on Windows is quite likely), sendemail will fail when trying to connect to localhost. Show activity on this post.

2 Answers

Try checking the following link please:


From my understanding, it's not recommended AT ALL to use Gmail to send emails out. There's a limit to it, so if you're doing it for production services (especially logs) you'll hit the cap quickly. Amazon's SES system gives developer credits I believe so you can tinker with that or if you really like Google you could use: https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/standard/go/mail/.

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James O Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 20:09

James O

The sendemail command by default attempts to use localhost as the SMTP server and ignores the settings used for scheduled search alerts. If you do not have an SMTP server or forwarder installed (which on Windows is quite likely), sendemail will fail when trying to connect to localhost.

To work around this, specify server in sendemail as follows:

my search terms | sendemail [email protected] sendresults=true server=mail.bar.com

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Karn Kumar Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 20:09

Karn Kumar