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How to solve cross referencess in OOP?



I encountered this a couple of times now, and i wondered what is the OO way to solve circular references. By that i mean class A has class B as a member, and B in turn has class A as a member.

One example of this would be class Person that has Person spouse as a member.

Person jack = new Person("Jack");
Person jill = new Person("Jill");

Another example would be Product classes that have some Collection of other Products as a member. That collection could for example be products that people who are interested in this product might also be interested in, and we want to upkeep that list on a per-product base, not on same shared attributes (e.g. we don't want to just display all other products in the same category).

Product pc = new Product("pc");
Product monitor = new Product("monitor");
Product tv = new Product("tv");
pc.setSeeAlso({monitor, tv});

(these products are just for making a point, the issue is not about wether or not certain products would relate to each other)

Would this be bad design in OOP in general? Would/should all OOP languages allow this, or is it just bad practice? If it's bad practice, what would be the nicest way of solving this?

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tehvan Avatar asked Oct 27 '22 06:10


2 Answers

The examples you give are (to me, anyway) examples of reasonable OO design.

The cross-referencing issue you describe isn't an artifact of any design process but a real-life characteristic of the things you're representing as objects, so I don't see there's a problem.

What have you encountered that has given you the impression that this approach is bad-design?

Update 11 March:

In systems that lack garbage collection, where memory management is explicitly managed, one common approach is to require all objects to have an owner - some other object responsible for managing the lifetime of that object.

One example is Delphi's TComponent class, which provides cascading support - destroy the parent component, and all owned components are also destroyed.

If you're working on such a system, the kinds of referential loop described in this question may be considered poor design because there's no clear owner, no one object responsible for managing lifetimes.

The way that I've seen this handled in some systems is to retain the references (because they properly capture the business concerns), and to add in an explicit TransactionContext object that owns everything loaded into the business domain from the database. This context object takes care of knowing which objects need to be saved, and cleans everything up when processing is complete.

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Bevan Avatar answered Jan 02 '23 19:01


It's not a fundamental problem in OO design. An example of a time it might become a problem is in graph traversal, for instance, finding the shortest path between two objects - you could potentially get into an infinite loop. However, that's something you would have to consider on a case-by-case basis. If you know there could be cross-references in a case like that, then code some checks in to avoid infinite loops (for instance, maintaining a set of visited nodes to avoid re-visiting). But if there's no reason it could be a problem (such as in the examples you gave in your question), then it's not bad at all to have such cross-references. And in many cases, as you've described, it's a good solution to the problem at hand.

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Smashery Avatar answered Jan 02 '23 20:01
