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How to skip weekends while adding days to LocalDate in Java 8?

Other answers here refer to Joda API. I want to do it using java.time.

Suppose today's date is 26th Nov 2015-Thursday, when I add 2 business days to it, I want the result as Monday 30th Nov 2015.

I am working on my own implementation but it would be great if something already exists!


Is there a way to do it apart from looping over?

I was trying to derive a function like:

Y = f(X1,X2) where Y is actual number of days to add, X1 is number of business days to add,  X2 is day of the week (1-Monday to 7-Sunday) 

Then given X1 and X2 (derived from day of week of the date), we can find Y and then use plusDays() method of LocalDate.

I have not been able to derive it so far, its not consistent. Can anyone confirm that looping over until desired number of workdays are added is the only way?

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Anmol Gupta Avatar asked Nov 26 '15 15:11

Anmol Gupta

People also ask

How do you check if a date falls on weekend or holiday with Java 8?

Checking a Weekend using LocalDateget(ChronoField. DAY_OF_WEEK) method returns an integer value in the range of 1 to 7. Each integer value represents a different weekday. 1 represents Monday, and so on 6 represents Saturday and 7 represents Sunday.

How do you add only business days in Java?

1. Adding Business Days. It uses two Predicate instances isHoliday and isWeekend . We repeatedly increment the LocalDate instance by 1 using the method plusDays() and check if the new date satisfies anyone of the given predicates.

How do I add days in LocalDate?

The plusDays() method of a LocalDate class in Java is used to add the number of specified day in this LocalDate and return a copy of LocalDate. For example, 2018-12-31 plus one day would result in 2019-01-01. This instance is immutable and unaffected by this method call.

What is the difference between LocalDate and LocalDateTime?

LocalDate – represents a date (year, month, day) LocalDateTime – same as LocalDate, but includes time with nanosecond precision. OffsetDateTime – same as LocalDateTime, but with time zone offset.

1 Answers

The following method adds days one by one, skipping weekends, for positive values of workdays:

public LocalDate add(LocalDate date, int workdays) {     if (workdays < 1) {         return date;     }      LocalDate result = date;     int addedDays = 0;     while (addedDays < workdays) {         result = result.plusDays(1);         if (!(result.getDayOfWeek() == DayOfWeek.SATURDAY ||               result.getDayOfWeek() == DayOfWeek.SUNDAY)) {             ++addedDays;         }     }      return result; } 

After some fiddling around, I came up with an algorithm to calculate the number of workdays to add or subtract.

/**  * @param dayOfWeek  *            The day of week of the start day. The values are numbered  *            following the ISO-8601 standard, from 1 (Monday) to 7  *            (Sunday).  * @param businessDays  *            The number of business days to count from the day of week. A  *            negative number will count days in the past.  *   * @return The absolute (positive) number of days including weekends.  */ public long getAllDays(int dayOfWeek, long businessDays) {     long result = 0;     if (businessDays != 0) {         boolean isStartOnWorkday = dayOfWeek < 6;         long absBusinessDays = Math.abs(businessDays);          if (isStartOnWorkday) {             // if negative businessDays: count backwards by shifting weekday             int shiftedWorkday = businessDays > 0 ? dayOfWeek : 6 - dayOfWeek;             result = absBusinessDays + (absBusinessDays + shiftedWorkday - 1) / 5 * 2;         } else { // start on weekend             // if negative businessDays: count backwards by shifting weekday             int shiftedWeekend = businessDays > 0 ? dayOfWeek : 13 - dayOfWeek;             result = absBusinessDays + (absBusinessDays - 1) / 5 * 2 + (7 - shiftedWeekend);         }     }     return result; } 

Usage Example:

LocalDate startDate = LocalDate.of(2015, 11, 26); int businessDays = 2; LocalDate endDate = startDate.plusDays(getAllDays(startDate.getDayOfWeek().getValue(), businessDays));  System.out.println(startDate + (businessDays > 0 ? " plus " : " minus ") + Math.abs(businessDays)         + " business days: " + endDate);  businessDays = -6; endDate = startDate.minusDays(getAllDays(startDate.getDayOfWeek().getValue(), businessDays));  System.out.println(startDate + (businessDays > 0 ? " plus " : " minus ") + Math.abs(businessDays)         + " business days: " + endDate); 

Example Output:

2015-11-26 plus 2 business days: 2015-11-30

2015-11-26 minus 6 business days: 2015-11-18

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Modus Tollens Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 04:09

Modus Tollens