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how to skip null values in odata response?





I have an odata web service that is returning some null values. I would like to skip these null values. I tried to use the Ne(Not equal) operator to filter the data with null values:


and I am getting the following error message:

"Illegal operation 'Ne' at position 11."

I tried also to combine the Not operator with the eq operator in this way:


I keep getting an error message saying:

value: "No property 'null' exists in type ...

I am using SAP HANA analytic view as a data source, but I thing the issue is not vendor dependent. so, what to do to skip the null values?

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Mohamed Ali JAMAOUI Avatar asked Oct 15 '13 13:10

Mohamed Ali JAMAOUI

1 Answers

The above solutions should work fine, baring in mind that the operators are case sensitive as pointed out by Tne. So in general to filter null values you can use:

  • $filter=(SALE_PRICE+ne+null)
  • or $filter=not(SALE_PRICE+eq+null)

However in the particular case of SAP HANA analytic views the null value is not supported, as a workaround the filters can be defined on the table column at the modeling level of the analytic view. The solution is explained here.

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Mohamed Ali JAMAOUI Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 08:10

Mohamed Ali JAMAOUI