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how to skip integration tests with maven release plugin

I want to skip integration tests while running maven release plugin with command

mvn -B -DskipITs release:prepare release:perform

It does not seem to work this way. The same option -DskipITs works for mvn install/deploy. I don't want to use -Dmaven.test.skip=true since only integration tests need to be ignored, not unit tests. What is the best way to accomplish this?

EDIT: -Darguments=-DskipITs works for release:prepare, but surprising it does NOT work for release:perform. Tried -Darguments=-Dmaven.test.skip=true, does not work either.

Tried to add <arguments>skipITs</arguments> for release plugin in the pom, but it would ignore all other -Darguments provided in command line. I can't have everything configured in plugin config, since some of the options takes environment variables on the fly.

like image 899
ddd Avatar asked Mar 10 '23 00:03


2 Answers

According to how to make maven release plugin skip tests, it seems you need both -DskipITs and -Darguments=-DskipITs. One is to skip compiling ITs the other is for skipping running ITs.

like image 118
ddd Avatar answered Mar 24 '23 12:03


Use Maven Profiles.

Add the following to your pom:


And invoke the command :

mvn -B -P ItsReleaseTime release:prepare release:perform
like image 30
CourseTriangle Avatar answered Mar 24 '23 11:03
