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How to skip a specific migration with flyway?


I'm using flyway with gradle, I've ran one of the migrations manually inside the database console, I want to run flyway, but tell it to ignore one specific migration version in between all the others. Can this be done ?

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Iman Avatar asked Mar 12 '15 14:03


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What should I do when flywaymigrate fails?

1) Run flywayMigrate, let the migration fail. 2) Manually, update the flyway meta table (success column) for that specific version of migration. 3) Run flywayMigrate again.

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This is where skipExecutingMigrations comes in. On prod instead of running a normal migrate, instead run migrate -skipExecutingMigrations=true. Now Flyway will not actually try to execute the contents of the migration on this environment, instead just updating the schema history to say it’s been applied.

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Here are some thoughts about how to get database migration right. Flyway tries to enforce incremental database changes. That means we shouldn’t update already applied migrations, except repeatable ones. By default, we should use versioned migrations that will only be run once and will be skipped in subsequent migrations.

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The solution I've seen for this (in general, with migrations, not specific to Flyway which I have no idea what it is) is to have "reverse migrations" that must be applied down downgrading. @torek, But it worked fine with older version of Flyway.

1 Answers

You would have to hack it a bit to get it to work, so I don't recommend this approach, but it would work in a pinch.

I've only tested this with Maven, but I'm pretty sure it'd work with Gradle too.

  1. Migrate up until the version before the one you applied manually

    # Assuming you applied 01.002 manually
    $ mvn flyway:migrate -Dflyway.target=01.001
  2. Insert a row for the script you applied

    -- Make sure these vals closely replicate those from other rows
    insert into schema_version( installed_rank, version, description, type, script, checksum, installed_by, installed_on, execution_time, success) 
    values ( 2, '01.002', 'static_data', 'SQL', 'V01/V01.002__static_data.sql', null, 'username', current_timestamp, 0, true );
  3. Repair the schema_version checksum

    $ mvn flyway:repair
  4. Apply the other migrations

    $ mvn flyway:migrate -Dflyway.validateOnMigrate=false -Dflyway.outOfOrder=true

The two -D properties there may not be necessary, depending on whether you got the insert correct or not. Flyway may disagree with your script description, for example, even if the checksum is now correct.

like image 140
pards Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 22:09
