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how to sign APK with google upload key der file?

after importing the der file to the key store as follow

keytool -keystore my-release-key.keystore  -importcert 
    -file ~/Downloads/upload_cert.der  -alias uploadcert  

I get an error when trying to assemble release APK

trusted certificate entries are not password-protected

If I add


to the import, I geth

keytool error: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: password can't be null

and if I pass the password after -protected I get usage help message. not sure how to pass the password.

Any idea if I am on the right path to sign with google upload certificate der file ?

like image 976
Nabil Sham Avatar asked Oct 18 '17 02:10

Nabil Sham

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1 Answers

Got the same problem and password can't be null problem may be passed by editing the comment like:

keytool -keystore parkimayaz.keystore  -importcert -file 
~/Downloads/upload_cert.der  -alias uploadcert -keypass "yourpass" -
storepass "yourpass"

Another info I used characters like (',#,^) on the password part which gave me some errors.

also please take a look at oracle keytool docs

like image 157
Öncü Öztekin Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 03:09

Öncü Öztekin