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How to show/hide fragment with swipe up/down like soundcloud android app


I am getting curious to know that how a view can be created like the one shown below . Is this drag and drop or some custom view with gesture detection and animations? What can be a good starting point?

like image 419
SohailAziz Avatar asked Nov 12 '14 05:11


2 Answers

ViewDragHelper can be used to achieve this effect. Some good tutorials and samples are: dragging-with-viewdraghelper and each-navigation-drawer-hides-a-viewdraghelper and DraggablePanel and AndroidSlidingUpPanel

like image 115
SohailAziz Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 20:09


Checkout BottomSheetDialogFragment from new Material design, here is a good tutorial on how to do it

like image 36
MJakhongir Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 20:09
