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How to show the results of a program by entering something in input?

So, I have a program, which I am finishing but I apparently ran into a problem. In the program I have to make that whenever I enter a 0 in the input, the program will stop and print the results. Here's the program before I continue saying anything else:

import collections
students = collections.defaultdict(list)

while True:
    student = input("Enter a name: ").replace(" ","")
    if student == "0":
        print ("A zero has been entered(0)")

    if not student.isalpha():
            print ("You've entered an invalid name. Try again.")

    while True:
        grade = input("Enter a grade: ").replace(" ","")
        if grade == "0":
            print ("A zero has been entered(0)")

        if not grade.isdigit():
            print ("You've entered an invalid name. Try again.")

        grade = int(grade)
        if 1 <= grade <= 10:

for i, j in students.items():
    print ("NAME: ", i)
    print ("LIST OF GRADES: ", j)
    print ("AVERAGE: ", round(sum(j)/len(j),1))

I figured out a way how to make the program stop and post results after a 0 is entered in the "Enter a name: " part. This is what is printed out:

Enter a name: Stacy
Enter a grade: 8
Enter a name: 0
A zero has been entered(0)
NAME:  Stacy

I need to do the same with the "Enter a grade: " part but if I try to make the program like it is now, this is what it prints out:

Enter a name: Stacy
Enter a grade: 0
A zero has been entered(0)
Enter a name: 

How do I make the program show results like it does when a 0 is entered in the name input?

like image 290
Acu Avatar asked Nov 09 '22 17:11


1 Answers

In one of your inputs, check to see if the input is 0. If it is, make a call to sys.exit. This can be done anywhere, even when checking for the grade. Just make sure that you include both options then (a string 0 and an int 0). Also, the reason for why it was still saying A zero has been entered(0) is because you are only quitting out of one loop, and then continuing from the beginning basically.

# Be sure to import sys!

random_place = input("Whatever is here ")
if random_place == '0' or random_pace == 0:

Your program will exit then.

like image 74
Zizouz212 Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 23:11
