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How to show the current file being edited in the project view in PyCharm?



I am using PyCharm Community Edition 4.5.1. Suppose I have a file open in the editor, and I want to see it in the project view (usually so I can open a sibling file). How do I do that?

I've googled all manner of "navigate" and "find" and such, and it's always some related concept, but not this one.

like image 745
dfrankow Avatar asked Jun 28 '15 16:06


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1 Answers

I got here, so maybe this will help some other folks like me :

How to show current working file in pycharm Project:

  1. Alt + 1 \ Ctrl + Shift + 1 - open the Project nav bar.
  2. Click the little settings wheel in top right of the project bar
  3. Mark the "Always Select Opened File".

enter image description here

Now try and navigate to some files and watch them being displayed in the project bar .

like image 178
dbkoren Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 14:09
