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How to show several images in the same figue - Matlab


Hii, sorry not mentioning it earlier, what I need to do is to display 6 images in the same figure at the same time. Besides, at every image (frame) I need to draw some points (my code tracks the moves of the face - the eyes, nose, lips.) I have 246 images (frames)

this is the main functions I use:

   // The points/ coordinates of the lips, eyes and nose of the image "i".
Points = createPointsStructure (landmarks , i , NumOfLandarkPerFrame);
   // Draw landmarks and splines on the frame i (and draw/show the frame)
DrawAllPointsOnFace (pointArr , Points , img , 1  , position, i);

Any ideas how can I do it?

I need to write a code that displays 6 images in the same figure (at the same time). and lets the user to choose one of the images to edit it (by clicking on it).

Any help how can I do it?

Thanks in advance.

like image 727
Howaida Khoureieh Avatar asked May 26 '12 20:05

Howaida Khoureieh

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1 Answers

Here is a simple example to get you started:

function ImagesExample()
    %# read images in a cell array
    imgs = cell(6,1);
    for i=1:6
        imgs{i} = imread( sprintf('AT3_1m4_%02d.tif',i) );

    %# show them in subplots
    for i=1:6
        h = imshow(imgs{i}, 'InitialMag',100, 'Border','tight');
        set(h, 'ButtonDownFcn',{@callback,i})

    %# mouse-click callback function
    function callback(o,e,idx)
        %# show selected image in a new figure
        figure(2), imshow(imgs{idx})

enter image description here

Another function to look into is the MONTAGE function from the IPT Toolbox:

%# given the above cell array `imgs`
montage( cat(4,imgs{:}) )
like image 165
Amro Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 19:09
