I am downloading a zip file from the cloud bucket using below python code
bucket = storage_client.get_bucket(bucket_name)
blob = bucket.blob(source_blob_name)
print('Downloading file')
print('Download completed')
How to show progress bar after printing the line "Downloading File"
Fairly simple with the tqdm library.
bucket = storage_client.get_bucket(bucket_name)
blob = bucket.blob(source_blob_name)
with open(destination_file_name, 'wb') as f:
with tqdm.wrapattr(f, "write", total=blob.size) as file_obj:
# blob.download_to_file is deprecated
storage_client.download_blob_to_file(blob, file_obj)
Maybe someone else needs something like this. Here is my solution, while I've used Greenstick answer for the progress bar.
#!/usr/bin/env python
import os
from google.cloud.storage import client as storage_client
# Print iterations progress
def printProgressBar(iteration, total, prefix = '', suffix = '', decimals = 1, fill = '█', printEnd = "\r"):
Call in a loop to create terminal progress bar
iteration - Required : current iteration (Int)
total - Required : total iterations (Int)
prefix - Optional : prefix string (Str)
suffix - Optional : suffix string (Str)
decimals - Optional : positive number of decimals in percent complete (Int)
fill - Optional : bar fill character (Str)
printEnd - Optional : end character (e.g. "\r", "\r\n") (Str)
length = os.get_terminal_size().columns - 12
percent = ("{0:." + str(decimals) + "f}").format(100 * (iteration / float(total)))
filledLength = int(length * iteration // total)
bar = fill * filledLength + '-' * (length - filledLength)
print(f'\r{prefix} |{bar}| {percent}% {suffix}', end = printEnd)
# Print New Line on Complete
if iteration == total:
def getBucketFileProgress(bucket_name, source_blob_name, destination_file_name, chunk_size=262144*5, client=None):
Downloads a file from a bucket with a progres bar.
bucket_name - Required : bucket name (Str)
source_blob_name - Required : blob name (Str)
destination_file_name - Required : local filename (Str)
chunk_size - Optional : Must be a multiple of 256 KB. Default 5*256KB (Int)
client - Optional : storage client (Obj)
if not client:
client = storage_client.Client()
bucket = client.get_bucket(bucket_name)
blob = bucket.get_blob(source_blob_name)
parts = int(blob.size / chunk_size)
file_obj = open(destination_file_name, "wb")
for part in range(0,parts+1):
blob.download_to_file(file_obj, start=part*chunk_size, end=(part+1)*chunk_size-1)
printProgressBar(part, parts)
print('Download completed')
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