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How to show only filenames without extensions using dir command

I'm trying to list out file names excluding their extension,

How I want it:


How it currently is:


I tried using

@echo off
dir /A:-D /B

but it isn't working. I tried it in both a batch file and in command prompt.

Am I using the right command?

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Jeremy Bierley Avatar asked Mar 02 '19 21:03

Jeremy Bierley

People also ask

How do I show only file names in a directory?

/B - (Bare format) Displays only file names.

How can I list files without an extension?

If you want to retrieve the filename without extension, then you have to provide the file extension as SUFFIX with `basename` command. Here, the extension is “. txt”. Run the following command to remove the extension from the file.

How do I list only file names in Linux?

List Files Using “Grep” Command: First, we will use the grep command within the “ls” list command to list all the files residing in the particular folder. Try the below “ls” command along with the “-la” flag to list all the regular files, e.g., hidden or not.

How do I get a list of files in CMD?

To list files in Windows using Command Line, first, open up the Command Prompt, then utilize the “dir” command. This will list the folders and files in the current directory.

1 Answers

Use FOR and ECHO to achieve this

For example, assuming the extension is always .txt:

for %f  in ("*.txt") do @echo %~nf

Instead of using DIR, we are using the FOR command to go through the list and sending each one to ECHO, with the "~n" option inserted into the %f, to cause the extension to be not shown.

An alternative is

FORFILES /c "cmd /c echo @fname"

However with this I get quotation marks around each output filename, which isn't what you want.

If running inside a batch file, you need to double the %'s for variables

for %%f in ("*.txt") do @echo %%~nf

If you need to handle multiple file extensions

As long the directory doesn't contain any subdirectories whose names have an extension, you can generalise the *.txt to *.*:

for %f in ("*.*") do @echo %~nf

If you may have some files with NO extension

Where the file has an extension but nothing before it, e.g. .gitignore, the resulting empty ECHO command will output an inane message, such as ECHO is on. To avoid this, you can filter out lines containing ECHO is, with the FIND command and the /V option:

for %f in ("*.*") do @echo %~nf | find /v "ECHO is"

Of course if your local language causes DOS to output something other than ECHO is then this filtering will not work. And it will miss any file that happens to contain ECHO is in the filename.

To search subdirectories too, add '/R' to the 'for'

for /R %f in ("*.png") do @echo %~nf | find /v "ECHO is"


This craziness, but this is the agonising price we pay for using Batch language instead of any other language (at ALL!). I am like an alcoholic, promising to all and sundry that I will never write a line of Batch code again, and then finding myself coming back to do so again, sheepishly.

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Eureka Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 16:10
