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How to show indexes of NAs?


I have the piece to display NAs, but I can't figure it out.

try(na.fail(x)) > Error in na.fail.default(x) : missing values in object # display NAs myvector[is.na(x)] # returns NA NA NA NA 

The only thing I get from this the length of the NA vector, which is actually not too helpful when the NAs where caused by a bug in my code that I am trying to track. How can I get the index of NA element(s) ?

I also tried:


which has the same effect.


y <- complete.cases(x) x[!y] # just returns another NA NA NA NA 
like image 946
Matt Bannert Avatar asked Jan 28 '11 11:01

Matt Bannert

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1 Answers

You want the which function:

like image 51
Joel Rein Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 15:09

Joel Rein