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How to show all tables/views in ER diagram with DbVisualizer



Is there a setting in DbVisualizer to display all tables in the "References" tab? I am using the free version (10.0) and when I click on a table with the References tab open I only see the direct relationships from this table. I'd like to see all tables in the schema.

like image 437
tw1742 Avatar asked Nov 13 '17 10:11


3 Answers

In the Databases tab, double-click on the TABLE entry (that has all the tables under it), then select the References tab.

like image 55
Software Engineer Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 00:11

Software Engineer

Easy to direct in visuals

  1. Right-click on schema (ex- scott) > Open in Tab enter image description here
  2. Click on References Tab enter image description here
like image 39
Sabunkar Tejas Sahailesh Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 01:11

Sabunkar Tejas Sahailesh

In the left-hand pane, double-click on the database name while having the References tab open to have all tables displayed.

like image 38
tw1742 Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 01:11
