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How to show all columns' names on a large pandas dataframe?

I have a dataframe that consist of hundreds of columns, and I need to see all column names.

What I did:


The output is:

Index(['customer_id', 'incoming', 'outgoing', 'awan', 'bank', 'family', 'food',
       'government', 'internet', 'isipulsa',
       'overdue_3months_feature78', 'overdue_3months_feature79',
       'overdue_3months_feature80', 'overdue_3months_feature81',
       'overdue_3months_feature82', 'overdue_3months_feature83',
       'overdue_3months_feature84', 'overdue_3months_feature85',
       'overdue_3months_feature86', 'loan_overdue_3months_total_y'],
      dtype='object', length=102)

How do I show all columns, instead of a truncated list?

like image 856
Nabih Bawazir Avatar asked Oct 10 '22 19:10

Nabih Bawazir

People also ask

How can I see all column names in Pandas?

To access the names of a Pandas dataframe, we can the method columns(). For example, if our dataframe is called df we just type print(df. columns) to get all the columns of the Pandas dataframe.

How do I print column names in Pandas?

You can get column names in Pandas dataframe using df. columns statement. Usecase: This is useful when you want to show all columns in a dataframe in the output console (E.g. in the jupyter notebook console).

3 Answers

You can globally set printing options. I think this should work:

Method 1:

pd.set_option('display.max_columns', None)
pd.set_option('display.max_rows', None)

Method 2:

pd.options.display.max_columns = None
pd.options.display.max_rows = None

This will allow you to see all column names & rows when you are doing .head(). None of the column name will be truncated.

If you just want to see the column names you can do:

like image 151
YOLO Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 17:10


To obtain all the column names of a DataFrame, df_data in this example, you just need to use the command df_data.columns.values. This will show you a list with all the Column names of your Dataframe




['PassengerId' 'Survived' 'Pclass' 'Name' 'Sex' 'Age' 'SibSp' 'Parch' 'Ticket' 'Fare' 'Cabin' 'Embarked']
like image 25
pink.slash Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 19:10


This will do the trick. Note the use of display() instead of print.

with pd.option_context('display.max_rows', 5, 'display.max_columns', None): 


The use of display is required because pd.option_context settings only apply to display and not to print.

like image 24
nico Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 19:10
