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How to share a variable across all views?




I want information about the system locale to be available in every view, so I could highlight whatever language is currently selected by a user. After some googling around, I've found the value-sharing issue addressed in the official documentation. However, after putting the code into boot() like this:

class AppServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider{
    public function boot(){
        view()->share('locale', \Lang::getLocale());

the $locale variable, when accessed in views, always holds the default system locale, not the currently selected one. Why?

like image 363
Alex Lomia Avatar asked Jan 27 '16 14:01

Alex Lomia

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2 Answers

I usually use View Composers so it's more clear and readable.

For example If I want to share a variable with the main navbar to all of my views I follow the below rules:

1. Create new service provider

You can create a service provider with artisan cli:

php artisan make:provider ViewComposerServiceProvider

In the ViewComposerServiceProvider file create composeNavigation method in which has the blade template main.nav-menu that represents the navmenu with shared variables.

The ViewComposerServiceProvider looks like:


namespace App\Providers;

use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;

class ViewComposerServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
     * Bootstrap the application services.
     * @return void
    public function boot()

     * Register the application services.
     * @return void
    public function register()

    private function composeNavigation()
        view()->composer('main.nav-menu', 'App\Http\ViewComposers\NavComposer');

2. Create Composer

As you saw in the file above we have App\Http\ViewComposers\NavComposer.php so let's create that file. Create the folder ViewComposers in the App\Http and then inside create NavComposer.php file.

The NavComposer.php file:


namespace App\Http\ViewComposers;

use App\Repositories\NavMenuRepository;
use Illuminate\View\View;

class NavComposer
    protected $menu;

    public function __construct(NavMenuRepository $menu)
        $this->menu = $menu;

    public function compose(View $view)
        $thing= $this->menu->thing();
        $somethingElse = $this->menu->somethingElseForMyDatabase();

        $view->with(compact('thing', 'somethingElse'));

3. Create repository

As you saw above in the NavComposer.php file we have repository. Usually, I create a repository in the App directory, so create Repositories directory in the App and then, create inside NavMenuRepository.php file.

This file is the heart of that design pattern. In that file we have to take the value of our variables that we want to share with all of our views.

Take a look at the file bellow:


namespace App\Repositories;

use App\Thing;
use DB;

class NavMenuRepository

    public function thing()
        $getVarForShareWithAllViews = Thing::where('name','something')->firstOrFail();
        return $getVarForShareWithAllViews;

    public function somethingElseForMyDatabase()
        $getSomethingToMyViews = DB::table('table')->select('name', 'something')->get();

        return $getSomethingToMyViews;

like image 182
Panagiotis Koursaris Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 11:09

Panagiotis Koursaris

For people with small project:

Firstly, The accepted answer is awesome!

For Laravel 5.2 users:

Just use the new blade directive @inject within your views like this


then you can use it: {{ $shared->functionName() }}

And SharedWithView is a simple class like this one:

namespace App\Utilities;

use App\Repositories\SomeRepositoryLikeArticlesRepository;

class SharedWithView {

    public function functionName() {
        $properNameHere = new SomeRepositoryLikeArticlesRepository();

        return $properNameHere->forEaxmpleGetMostViewedArticles( 10 );

like image 39
Mo Kawsara Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 11:09

Mo Kawsara