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How to setup ElasticSearch index structure with multiple entity bindings

recently I started working on ElasticSearch (ES) implementation into legacy e-commerce app written in PHP using MySQL. I am completely new to all this stuff and reading the docs is fine, yet I really need somebody with experience to advise me.

From the ES documentation I was able to setup a new cluster and I also found out that rivers are deprecated and should be replaced, so I replaced them with Logstash and JDBC MySQL connector.

At this point I have:

  • ElasticSearch
  • Logstash
  • JDBC MySQL driver
  • MySQL server

The database structure of the application is not really optimal and is very hard to replace, but I'd like to replicate it into the ES index in the best possible way.

DB Structure:


|              Id               | Title | Price  |
| 00c8234d71c4e94f725cd432ebc04 | Alpha | 589,00 |
| 018357657529fef056cf396626812 | Beta  | 355,00 |
| 01a2c32ceeff0fc6b7dd4fc4302ab | Gamma | 0,00   |


|     Id     |    Title    |
| sellout    | Sellout     |
| discount   | Discount    |
| topproduct | Top Product |

flagsProducts (n:m pivot)

|  Id  |           ProductId           |   FlagId   | ExternalId |
| 1552 | 00c8234d71c4e94f725cd432ebc04 | sellout    | NULL       |
| 2845 | 00c8234d71c4e94f725cd432ebc04 | topproduct | NULL       |
| 9689 | 018357657529fef056cf396626812 | discount   | NULL       |
| 4841 | 01a2c32ceeff0fc6b7dd4fc4302ab | discount   | NULL       |

Those string IDs are a complete disaster (but I have to deal with them now). At first I thought I should do a flat structure of Products index to ES, but what about multiple entity bindings?

like image 486
Jan Richter Avatar asked Apr 28 '16 12:04

Jan Richter

People also ask

What is _type in Elasticsearch?

Basically, a type in Elasticsearch represented a class of similar documents and had a name such as customer or item . Lucene has no concept of document data types, so Elasticsearch would store the type name of each document in a metadata field of a document called _type.

Does Elasticsearch have a schema?

The schema in Elasticsearch is a mapping that describes the the fields in the JSON documents along with their data type, as well as how they should be indexed in the Lucene indexes that lie under the hood. Because of this, in Elasticsearch terms, we usually call this schema a “mapping”.

1 Answers

That's a great start!

I would definitely flatten it all out (i.e. denormalize) and come up with product documents that look like the one below. That way you get rid of the N:M relationship between products and flags by simply creating a flags array for each product. It will thus be easier to query those flags.

   "id": "00c8234d71c4e94f725cd432ebc04",
   "title": "Alpha",
   "price": 589.0,
   "flags": ["Sellout", "Top Product"]
   "id": "018357657529fef056cf396626812",
   "title": "Beta",
   "price": 355.0,
   "flags": ["Discount"]
   "id": "01a2c32ceeff0fc6b7dd4fc4302ab",
   "title": "Gamma",
   "price": 0.0,
   "flags": ["Discount"]

The product mapping type would look like this:

PUT products
    "mappings": {
        "product": {
            "properties": {
                "id": {
                    "type": "string",
                    "index": "not_analyzed"
                "title": {
                    "type": "string"
                "price": {
                    "type": "double",
                    "null_value": 0.0
                "flags": {
                    "type": "string",
                    "index": "not_analyzed"

Since you have the logstash jdbc input already, all you're missing is the proper SQL query to fetch the products and associated flags.

  SELECT p.Id as id, p.Title as title, p.Price as price, GROUP_CONCAT(f.Title) as flags
    FROM Products p
    JOIN flagsProducts fp ON fp.ProductId = p.Id
    JOIN Flags f ON fp.FlagId = f.id

Which would get you rows like these:

| id                            | title | price | flags               |
| 00c8234d71c4e94f725cd432ebc04 | Alpha |   589 | Sellout,Top product |
| 018357657529fef056cf396626812 | Beta  |   355 | Discount            |
| 01a2c32ceeff0fc6b7dd4fc4302ab | Gamma |     0 | Discount            |

Using Logstash filters you can then split the flags into an array and you're good to go.

like image 64
Val Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 16:09
